MM5.3.0 Major new features

MM5.3.0 Major new features

Business Workflows

The previous version of Media Manager introduced automated workflows, which make it easier to set up workflows that happen in the background, without direct involvement of an avarage user.

Version 5.3.0 introduced beta version of Business Workflows. Business Workflows enable setting up and execution of business processes centered around assets, that require interactions between the users. In other words, it formalizes frequent interactions for increased efficiency, orgaization and trackability.

The first use cases requsted by Digizuite customers in Business Workflows are:

  1. Request download workflow
    The limited users have the ability to request the ability to download specific assets. The user who the approval task is assigned to receives then an ability to either approve or reject the request after reviewing the information provided by the requesting user.

  2. Approval workflow
    This workflow is a combination of automated and business workflows. A trigger (for example asset upload) intitiates a business workflow. The task then goes to the assigned user that can either approve or reject the publication of a new asset.

Copyright notification before download

The administrative user has the ability to set up either a predetermined or custom copyright notification for specific assets that need them. Any user who then tries to download the asset is presented with a copyright dislaimer that needs to be accepted before being able to download the asset.

This new functionality supports the governance of asset rights.

Improved crop tool

In version 5.3.0 the crop tool received new fuctionality as a result of the customer request, therefore adding more flexibilty to how new crops are created.

The new functionality is also known as “crop and resize in one step”. From now the users have the ability to lock not only the aspect ratio, but also the dimensions of a resulting new crop. They can freely select the area of an image and receive exactly the right dimensions as an output.

New design

From the version 5.3.0 we introduced the new and improved design of the Media Manager. As this is a larger project, the first changes that the users will experience is the improved home page with accentuated filter menu and improved folder navigation as well as optimized asset view with metadata editor. The changes were introduced as a solution to a variety of feature request received since the launch of Media Manager 5.

Our goal was to achieve:

  • optimization of the available space

  • faster navigation

  • improved experience when using metadata editor (the users can now see the assets while editing metadata and there is less scrolling involved)

  • higher intuitiveness.

New logo & header (5.3.1)

Version 5.3.1 features updated new design that includes the return of corporate logo and more flexibility for theming.