DFE 2.0.0 - Breaking changes


The class DigizuitePropertyAttribute has been removed use DigizuiteMetafieldAttribute instead. You can read about it here DFE 2.0.0 - 2 Modelling Asset Content Types under the section property mapping.

The class DigizuiteMediaFormatAttribute has changed. the following constructor has been removedDigizuiteMediaFormatAttribute(string name) use DigizuiteMediaFormatAttribute(string jsonId, string guid) instead. You can read about it here DFE 2.0.0 - 2 Modelling Asset Content Types under the section blob mapping.


The following constants has been removed from the class MediaFormatIds

  • Video_480

  • Video_720

  • Video_1080

  • Image_JPGfullsize

  • Image_JPGbig

  • Image_JPGmedium

  • Image_JPGsmall

  • Image_PNGtransparent

  • Document_Preview

  • Document_Thumb

Media models

The following properties has been removed from our 3 media models.

  • Digizuite.Episerver.Models.Media.Image
    Note, Small, Medium and LargeThumbnail has been removed. Out of the box it will contain Preview and Thumbnail. If you need you own custom formats, then you have to extend the class. In this example we add the small quality. DFE 2.0.0 - 2 Modelling Asset Content Types

    [ContentType(GUID = "0af71ce8-1e4b-499b-bf24-24e7fce44121")] [DigizuiteType(AssetTypeIds = new[] {GlobalConstants.AssetTypes.Image})] public class ExtendedDigiImage : Image { [DigizuiteMediaFormat("imageSmall", "3C95F58F-5DD7-4AFB-B1C8-48E05901CE6D")] public virtual Blob Small { get; set; } }


  • Digizuite.Episerver.Models.Media.Video
    Note been removed.
    Poster has been removed use ImagePreview insted.

  • Digizuite.Episerver.Models.Media.DigizuiteFile
    Note has been removed.