DFE 2.0.0 - Release Notes

Digizuite™ EPI 2.0
© 2006-2020 Digizuite A/S

Version : 2.0.3
Date : 2020-10-28

[EPI-407] - Digizuite integration now works with Azure service bus as well
[EPI-408] - Fixed: Resilience issue on startup
[EPI-409] - Configurable http timeout

Version : 2.0.2
Date : 2020-09-25

[EPI-406] - Validate against DZ version

[EPI-393] - Breadcrums and buttons disapeared on Commerce catalog until refresh
[EPI-394] - Copy page and past it another place, will generate an error
[EPI-395] - When making changes to metadata and publish, data are saved back to Digizuite, but the internal cache is not cleared
[EPI-396] - Drag n Drop non digizuite folder into digizuite asset folders, will generate a notification with an exception
[EPI-397] - In a foundation site, when inserting an image into TinyMCE, The "Digizuite Media type selector" button is not shown
[EPI-398] - Script error when adding a new value to the metafield Keywords
[EPI-399] - Download video files (.mp4) fail because the filetype is .html
[EPI-400] - [Foundation] Context Menu displays incorrect
[EPI-404] - Uploading media to Episerver folder, will sometime create content of digizuite media types

Version : 2.0.0
Date : 2020-08-05

[EPI-318] - Rewrite content provider for better resilience support
[EPI-319] - Webhooks, Digizuite can now notify Episerver with content changes
[EPI-338] - Administration tool for easily resetting Digizuite content
[EPI-380] - Added scheduled jobs for resetting Digizuite content
[EPI-392] - Separate logfile for DAM for Episerver logging

[EPI-353] - Fixed: GetChildrenReferences method is slow
[EPI-381] - Fixed: HttpClient could potentially exhaust the number of open connections
[EPI-352] - Fixed: Generation of download links with correct minetype
[EPI-357] - Fixed: Saving metadata back to Digizuite would fail in special cases
[EPI-382] - Fixed: Filtering on crops not working