Title: | CCC - Things to be aware of when updating and installing | |
Owner: | Mathias Mattson (MHM) | |
Creator: | Mathias Mattson (MHM) | Apr 06, 2018 |
Last Changed by: | Henrik Lambert (Unlicensed) | May 15, 2020 |
Tiny Link: (useful for email) | https://digizuite.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AYAoFw | |
Export As: | Word · PDF |
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Children (8)
Dragging in INDD issues
Due to a DC bug, replaced assets doesn't always prompt the "update links" dialog
Low-res to high-res issues
Make searching in other languages in CCC work (New languages with pre DC 4.10)
MM needs to be installed in order for CCC's assets to get thumbnails
Photoshop can import AI files, but an error will occur
The CCC proxy site must not be http
The config manager does not have sane defaults
Dragging in INDD issues
Due to a DC bug, replaced assets doesn't always prompt the "update links" dialog
Low-res to high-res issues
Make searching in other languages in CCC work (New languages with pre DC 4.10)
MM needs to be installed in order for CCC's assets to get thumbnails
Photoshop can import AI files, but an error will occur
The CCC proxy site must not be http
The config manager does not have sane defaults
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