DZT5.5 - Customer registration

DZT5.5 - Customer registration

For registering a new customer we need setup a new “Custom Content Connector“ integration.

Please open your Templafy account and in the left-side menu choose the “Integrations“ section.

In the right-side choose the “Available“ tab and in the search box type: content

Click on “+“ button in “Custom content Connector“

“Display Name“ - any text, this text is shown in the list of “Installed” connectors.

“Base URL“ - URL of Azure Functions that provides Templafy with Data.

“Client ID“ and “Client Secret“ - can be received by running “TemplafyContentConnectorSettings“ API method from the swagger (BaseURL/api/swagger/ui#/Templafy/ClientSecret).

Go to: https://dgz-templafy.azurewebsites.net/api/swagger/ui


channelFolderId can be found here: DZT5.5 - DAM configuration

Library “Asset Type“ - only “Images“ supported now.

Library “Name“ - any text, this text is shown in the Templafy integration.



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