DFS 9.3.0 - Keeping the Silo Updated

DFS 9.3.0 - Keeping the Silo Updated

 The Sitecore instance asks Digizuite for changes every 1 minute. To enable this feature do the following:

  1. Open Website\App_Config\Include\damforsitecore\DFS.Connect.config and locate the <hooks> section. You should see something like this:

          <!--hook type="DFS.Connect.Hooks.DetectDamChangesLoader, DFS.Connect">
            <param name="agent" type="DFS.Connect.DetectDamChangesAgent, DFS.Connect">
              <param name="repository" ref="DFS.Connect/assetSiloRepository" />
            <param name="interval">00:01:00</param>
          <hook type="DFS.Connect.Hooks.ResolvePushEventsLoader, DFS.Connect">
            <param name="agent" type="DFS.Client.Services.PushNotifications.ResolvePushEventsAgent, DFS.Client.Services"></param>
            <param name="interval">00:00:05</param>
  2. Enable the the hook of type "DFS.Connect.Hooks.DetectDamChangesLoader" and disable the hook of type "DFS.Connect.Hooks.ResolvePushEventsLoader".
  3. That it. Recycle you site and do a full sync of the silo. If for some reason you dont see the silo automatically updates, then go to this page for help. DFS 9.3.0 - The auto synchronization between Digizuite and Sitecore

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