11 Field - DAM v4.8.0

When creating a Meta data field element, the data,Ā which the elementĀ does work on/with, is theĀ item_metafield_value.value table and column.

For mostĀ scenarios, this is sufficient. However, aĀ meta data field has much more information associated with it, eg. the meta field's label. If the label, instead of the value, is what is needed, then theĀ field "item_metafield_label_label" can be added to the element. An addition of such aĀ field changes the data fromĀ item_metafield_value.value toĀ item_metafield_label.label.

There are 5 differentĀ fields.

11.1 sortindex

Maps to the tableĀ item_combo_value and columnĀ sortindex.

A sort index determines how various values are displayed in a combo box. It works exactly like aĀ compare function, in that values with sortindex of 0 will be placed next to each other in no particular order; a higher sort index places a value lower in the combo; a lower sort index places the value higher in the combo.

This fieldĀ works if aĀ meta data field'sĀ data typeĀ is aĀ combo. If this field is applied to aĀ meta data field, whose data typeĀ is not "combo", the search generation will fail!Ā If in doubt, whether aĀ meta data fieldĀ has aĀ combo data type, find out or do not use thisĀ field.

11.2 item_metafield_label_label

Maps to the tableĀ item_metafield_label and columnĀ label

The language versioned label associated with aĀ meta data field.

11.3 ItemReferenceTitle

If aĀ meta data field is associated with an item, thisĀ field will map to that item's title.

11.4 ItemReferenceBaseID

If aĀ meta data fieldĀ is associated with an item, thisĀ fieldĀ will map to that item'sĀ base ID (primary key).

11.5 ItemGuid

A GUID, which maps directly to aĀ meta data field.Ā 

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