MM5.1.0 2.7 Collections

MM5.1.0 2.7 Collections

The assets can be organized in collections. The collection menu is located by default in the left-side panel. It is also possible to display the collections in the center of the home screen (in place of folder menu) by clicking on "Collections":


The user can create a new collection by clicking on "+" in the left-side menu panel or on "Add collection" in the centered view.

Collections are individual. This means that every collection created by a specific user will only be visible to this user, unless it is shared with another user. The collections shared with the user are marked by a symbol:

It is possible to change the sorting order of the collections' list. The collections can be sorted either by name or by the order in which they were created. It can be done:

  1. in the side panel - by clicking the three dots next to "Collections"
  2. in the main window view - by using the button in the upper right corner

There are three methods of adding assets to the collection:

  • by dragging and dropping them into the collection,
  • by dragging the dropping the multiselct menu into the collection,
  • by sharing them "To collection".

The following actions related to collections are available:

  • sharing,
  • renaming,
  • downloading,
  • deleting an entire collection,
  • removing a single asset from a collection.

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