DFS 8.0.2 - 1 Understanding DFS

DFS 8.0.2 - 1 Understanding DFS

Digizuite™ DAM for Sitecore is a module to a Digital Asset Management system, or simply the DAM system.

The purpose of DAM is to provide a single source for all digital assets within the organization. Any employee in the company will be able to use the DAM system to find what they need. The latest PDF for a convention, video for the website, images for Word documents or PowerPoints or images for InDesign productions. All final material comes from a centralized DAM.

A DAM system is a digital repository and functions as the heart of the company. Digizuite™ DAM offers a suite of tools making the collaboration internally as well as externally easier. Digizuite™ Media Manager is one of the tools used as an accelerator for collaboration. The integration between Sitecore Experience Platform and Digizuite™ DAM is called Digizuite™ DAM for Sitecore.

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