3 The Details panel

3 The Details panel

The details panel is found at the right hand side of the Search Editor.

Two Keywords filters.

3.1 Different versions of the Details panel

Depending on what tab is being viewed (Input or Output), the Details panel will have different controls. The Details panel's controls in the Input tab will also vary according to the selected Comparison Type and whether a filter is a Meta data field or Table and column element, e.g. a freetext filter cannot have Predetermined values, therefore there is no "Add predetermined value(s)" button; and a Table and column element cannot have a Field applied to it, therefore there is no "Add field" button for such an element.

3.2 Usage

The details panel is used to view more finely grained information and to edit an element. Anything except the data, which an element works with, can be edited in the Details panel.

3.3 The burger menu

The second panel being displayed in the image above (the one where the ID is "sKeywords") has some buttons, which are not visible in the image (marked in red):

The burger menu is used whenever there are too many buttons to fit into the panel.


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