DC 5.1.0 How to

DC 5.1.0 How to

Configure a log for an import instance

It is possible to configure all logging for an import configuration to be routed to a specific log. Here is how:

Make a note of the name of the import configuration you wish to log separately. The name is defined by the filename minus extension so in this example we are going to make a log configuration for AssetUploadNoMetadataNoReplace.

Now open the .config for your Import service which is normally named ImportService.exe.config. Scroll down to the section called log4net.

Insert an element after the <root> element like this:

Set the name and also put in the name in the ref tag of appender-ref so you end with the name + Appender. The additivity="false" tag is quite important as without it root settings will be inherited.

Now scroll down past the <appender> tags to create a new appender like this:

This configuration can be anything supported by log4net. The example config logs by rolling date, then size with a filename pattern like importer-yyyy-mm-dd.log. Please see log4net documentation for further information. The version in use is 2.0.8.

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