4 Relation Between Groups and Sub-groups - DAM v4.6.1

4 Relation Between Groups and Sub-groups - DAM v4.6.1

Once you have configured your metadata editor, you can add new metadata groups completely customized to suit your solution.

Before going through the process of creating a new meta-group you will have to understand the logic behind it.

In the All Asset Types table you can find all the subgroups that are part of the metadata editor. The subgroups have the FieldType set as metagroups. Each subgroup is assigned to a group. Every group contains different field types. Those are described in the /wiki/spaces/DD/pages/42303745.

The groups are completely configurable for your needs and every time you add or remove a field, the subgroup from the All Asset Types will see the changes and will be automatically updated in the metadata editor. You can configure a group to contain all the fields you want to use for your assets. From adding integer numbers, to strings, date time and links.

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