DFS 9.2.0 - 4 How to crop images
DFS 9.2.0 - 4 How to crop images
- Martin Ulisse
Owned by Martin Ulisse
Feb 19, 2019
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DAM for Sitecore has a new tool for cropping images in DFS 9.0.0 which will crop around a focus point. From the system there has been defined predefined aspect ratios, that is allowed to crop, for that piratical Sitecore instance. The tool will not touch the original asset. Instead, it creates a new assets, which is an edited version of the asset. It is an independent asset, but it descents from the original asset and will inherit the metadata too. Below there is a video tutorial showing the feature.
How to crop images
Error rendering macro 'multimedia' : com.atlassian.renderer.v2.macro.MacroException: Cannot find attachment 'Crop.mp4'