UploadTag Feature Description - DAM v4.7.0
Emilis Bliudzius (Unlicensed)
Mathias Mattson (MHM)
Niels Erik Knudsen (Unlicensed)
1 Introduction
The UploadTag feature copies information extracted from an uploaded asset file into the metadata of the uploaded asset.
1.1 Why
As the old CopyTemplate feature was slow and very hard to use, it has been re-implemented as a new feature "UploadTag".
1.2 CopyTemplate from DigiMonitor ItemHandler
The digimonitor event, with EventCategory=ItemHandler and EventType=copytemplate still uses the old CopyTemplate logic and configuration.
1.3 Metadata Types Supported
- Combo
- ComboValue
- EditComboValue
- MultiCombo
- MultiComboValue
- EditMultiComboValue
- Tree
- Int
- Bit
- Note
- String
- DateTime
- Real
- Float
- Money
2 Configuration
On the target MetaLabel, fill the field "Upload-tag-Name". See List of defined tags.
Upload-tag-name selects the UploadTag(s) that should be the source of this Label, separated by commas.
Note: If multiple tags are specified, only the first value that contains data is used.
2.1 Combo Metadata Types
Combo datatypes have an additional configuration option "Upload-tag match by optionvalue", this setting controls whether the Combo value is matched by the optionvalue or by text.
2.2 Tree Metadata Types
The Tree datatype has two additional configuration options;
Option | Type | Description |
Upload-tag-Name | string | Source uploadtag(s) to use |
Upload-tag match by optionvalue | CheckBox | Match Nodes by OptionValue or Text |
Upload-tag match by fullpath | CheckBox | Match Nodes by full path or single Node. |
Upload-tag Regex used to extract treeNodes | string | Regular Expression, used to separate Tree Path into individual nodes. Only used if match by fullpath. See Regex.Split |
3 Advanced
3.1 Updating Standard Fields from UploadTags
Standard fields can be updated via upload tags, but there is no UI for editing them. The configuration resides in the table "standardfield_uploadtag". Only tables related to asset or upload, that can be updated with BatchUpdate is supported.
AssetType | standardField | upload-tag |
Any | asset.file_size | basic:filesize |
Any | asset.image_bits | imagemagick:depth |
Any | asset.image_compress | imagemagick:compression |
Any | asset.image_height | mediainfo_video:height,imagemagick:height |
Any | asset.image_width | mediainfo_video:width,imagemagick:width |
Any | asset.image_xres | imagemagick:dpix |
Any | asset.image_yres | imagemagick:dpiy |
Any | asset.origmimetype | basic:mimetype |
Any | asset.sourceout | mediainfo_general:duration |
3.2 Custom UploadTags
Important: Custom tags that clash with future updates of DAM Center will be renamed to <tagname>RENAMED<GUID>.
To avoid this, always start custom tags with custom: and set systemDefined to 0
Note: For more information, see /wiki/spaces/DD/pages/65176017
4 Special calculated UploadTags
The following tags are always calculated after all other tags are calculated.
- calculated:displayaspectratiotext
- calculated:displayaspectratiooption
- calculated:displayaspectratio
- calculated:pixelaspectratio
These calculations use the following uploadtags
- mediainfo_video:width
- mediainfo_video:height
- mediainfo_video:displayaspectratio
- mediainfo_video:pixelaspectratio
5 Sytem Defined UploadTags
List of possible upload tags are located in the following database table: "uploadtagname_definition".
5.1 From the database table asset_digiupload
- upload:uploadid
- upload:assetid
- upload:memberid
- upload:computername
- upload:created
- upload:lastmodified
- upload:sourcefilename
- upload:metagroupid
- upload:assetname
- upload:uploadcreated
- upload:transfermode
5.2 From the database table asset
- asset:assetid
- asset:assettype
- asset:prevref
- asset:uploadid
- asset:startdate
- asset:enddate
- asset:sortindex
- asset:assetcode
- asset:reference
- asset:uploaddate
- asset:uploadcomputer
- asset:uploaduser
NOTE: Fields that are filled from other uploadtags are excluded, use these uploadtags directly eg. for file_size, use basic:filesize
5.3 From the database table asset_information
- assetinfo:conditionidentifier
- assetinfo:hasthumbnail
- assetinfo:sourceformatid
- assetinfo:thumbnailtag
5.4. From the identify infoXML document
- basic:extension
- basic:filesize
- basic:mimetype
- composite:gpsdatetime
- composite:gpsaltitude
- composite:gpslatitude
- composite:gpslongitude
- composite:circleofconfusion
- composite:hyperfocaldistance
- composite:lightvalue
- composite:dof
- composite:fov
- composite:lensid
- composite:lensspec
- exif:ApertureValue
- exif:ColorSpace
- exif:contrast
- exif:DateTimeOriginal
- exif:digitalzoomratio
- exif:ExifVersion
- exif:ExposureBiasValue
- exif:exposuremode
- exif:ExposureProgram
- exif:ExposureTime
- exif:filesource
- exif:flash
- exif:flashpixversion
- exif:FNumber
- exif:FocalLength
- exif:FocalPlaneXResolution
- exif:FocalPlaneYResolution
- exif:isospeedratings
- exif:LightSource
- exif:MaxApertureValue
- exif:MeteringMode
- exif:Saturation
- exif:scenecapturetype
- exif:scenetype
- exif:sensingmethod
- exif:sharpness
- exif:ShutterSpeedValue
- exif:SubjectDistance
- exif:whitebalance
- exificc:profiledescription
- exiftool:version
- fnc:iptcKeywordCommaSeperated
- fnc:iptcKeywordSemicolonSeperated
- fnc:iptcKeywordSpaceSeperated
- fnc:iptcKeywordValueCount
- gps:gpsaltitude
- gps:gpsaltituderef
- gps:gpsimgdirection
- gps:gpsimgdirectionref
- gps:gpslatitude
- gps:gpslatituderef
- gps:gpslongitude
- gps:gpslongituderef
- iccprofile:hasiccprofile
- iccprofile:iccprofilehash
- iccprofile:profiledescription
- imagemagick:backgroundcolor
- imagemagick:bordercolor
- imagemagick:colorspace
- imagemagick:compose
- imagemagick:compression
- imagemagick:depth
- imagemagick:dpix
- imagemagick:dpiy
- imagemagick:endianess
- imagemagick:format
- imagemagick:gamma
- imagemagick:geometry
- imagemagick:height
- imagemagick:interlace
- imagemagick:mattecolor
- imagemagick:mimetype
- imagemagick:orientation
- imagemagick:pagegeometry
- imagemagick:pageheight
- imagemagick:pagewidth
- imagemagick:pagexoffset
- imagemagick:pageyoffset
- imagemagick:printsize
- imagemagick:quality
- imagemagick:resolution
- imagemagick:signature
- imagemagick:transparentcolor
- imagemagick:type
- imagemagick:units
- imagemagick:width
- imagemagick:xoffset
- imagemagick:yoffset
- iptc:By-line
- iptc:By-lineTitle
- iptc:Caption-Abstract
- iptc:City
- iptc:Contact
- iptc:CopyrightNotice
- iptc:Country-PrimaryLocationCode
- iptc:Country-PrimaryLocationName
- iptc:Credit
- iptc:DateCreated
- iptc:Headline
- iptc:keywords
- iptc:OriginatingProgram
- iptc:Province-State
- iptc:Source
- iptc:Sub-location
- iptc:TimeCreated
- iptc:Writer-Editor
- mediainfo_audio:bitrate
- mediainfo_audio:bitratemode
- mediainfo_audio:channelpositions
- mediainfo_audio:channelpositionstext
- mediainfo_audio:channels
- mediainfo_audio:codec
- mediainfo_audio:codecCC
- mediainfo_audio:codecinfo
- mediainfo_audio:compressionmode
- mediainfo_audio:duration
- mediainfo_audio:format
- mediainfo_audio:language
- mediainfo_audio:resolution
- mediainfo_audio:samplescount
- mediainfo_audio:samplingrate
- mediainfo_audio:streamsize
- mediainfo_general:audiostreams
- mediainfo_general:duration
- mediainfo_general:format
- mediainfo_general:totalbitrate
- mediainfo_general:videostreams
- mediainfo_video:bitrate
- mediainfo_video:bitratemode
- mediainfo_video:bitspixelframe
- mediainfo_video:codec
- mediainfo_video:codeccc
- mediainfo_video:codecdescription
- mediainfo_video:codecinfo
- mediainfo_video:codecprofile
- mediainfo_video:colorimetry
- mediainfo_video:colorspace
- mediainfo_video:displayaspectratio
- mediainfo_video:displayaspectratiostr
- mediainfo_video:duration
- mediainfo_video:format_version
- mediainfo_video:fps
- mediainfo_video:framecount
- mediainfo_video:frameratemode
- mediainfo_video:height
- mediainfo_video:internetmediatype
- mediainfo_video:nominalbitrate
- mediainfo_video:pixelaspectratio
- mediainfo_video:resolution
- mediainfo_video:scantype
- mediainfo_video:standard
- mediainfo_video:streamsize
- mediainfo_video:width
- nikon:directorynumber
- nikon:filenumber
- nikon:serialnumber
- nikon:lens
- photo:flash
- thumbnail:hasthumbnail
- tiff:Make
- tiff:Model
- tiff:Orientation
- tiff:software
- video:rotation
- xmp:CreateDate
- xmpfile:hasxmp
- xmp-aux:approximatefocusdistance
- xmp-aux:imagenumber
- xmp-aux:lens
- xmp-aux:lensid
- xmp-lr:hierarchicalsubject
Table of Contents