DFS 9.1.0 - Release notes

DFS 9.1.0 - Release notes

Digizuite™ DAM For Sitecore 9.1.1
© 2006-2017 Digizuite A/S

Version : 9.1.2
Date : 2019-02-25

[DFS-1428] - Fixed: Synchronizing multiple languages don’t work in special cases, will fall back to default language.

Version : 9.1.1
Date : 2019-02-15

[DFS-1426] - Fixed issue where resizing images would cause white borders

Digizuite™ DAM For Sitecore 9.1.0
© 2006-2017 Digizuite A/S

Version : 9.1.0
Date : 2018-12-15

[DFS-732] - In expirence editor mode, the fieldtype AssetLink now support clear field
[DFS-1195] - Now it is possible to see if an image/asset is in use on any content page from DAM Explorer
[DFS-1220] - Dynamic search filters in DAM Explorer and Asset Browser
[DFS-1258] - Support for Azure Search
[DFS-1276] - The example, now support the fieldtype AssetLink and an language selector has been added 
[DFS-1303] - Possible to add DFS filter options on content items
[DFS-1305] - Allow custom dom attributes on DFS rendered fields
[DFS-1311] - Added a configurable time to live on metadata cache
[DFS-1328] - When editing metadata in DAM Explorer, the values will no longer be encoded/escaped
[DFS-1347] - When saving metadata from Sitecore only dirty fields will be saved back to Digizuite
[DFS-1411] - Sitecore 9.1 compliance

[DFS-991] - Scroll position in DAM Explorer was lost when entering "Edit metadata".
[DFS-1304] - Download media links now support SEO.
[DFS-1306] - The pipeline GetAssetFieldValue generates incorrect html markup
[DFS-1307] - Fixed updating image cache on CD servers
[DFS-1310] - Fixed wrong upload date showing in DAM Explorer preview
[DFS-1314] - Fix issue with the fieldtype AssetLink failing to render if the field value was empty
[DFS-1320] - Option value was missing for all four metafield combo types
[DFS-1321] - Fixed a bug where cascading security rights was sometimes resolved wrongly
[DFS-1322] - The media pipeline now support cache-control through configuration
[DFS-1329] - When adding a second language, the index was not updated for the new language
[DFS-1339] - Required metafield now supported when editing metadata
[DFS-1340] - Metadata editor would fail if one of the metadata group names contained special characters
[DFS-1345] - Fixed, scrollbars not showing when cropping and there were to many crop aspect to show in the list
[DFS-1346] - Fixed, when adding resize parameters to the media URL, the images was generated with a white border/frame
[DFS-1351] - In RTE replacing accesskey has been optimized
[DFS-1356] - Fixed: Previewing certain file types results in the download of a file with an incorrect extension
[DFS-1391] - Fixed: Videos are always shown in the preview quality
[DFS-1394] - Fixed: The raw value for field types asset and assetlink has a wrong assetid, when a cropped asset is selected
[DFS-1403] - Fixed: Free-text search with dash dont work in DAM Explorer
[DFS-1405] - Fixed: Combo values in asset editing window are not populated asynchronously
[DFS-1406] - Fixed a bug, where sometimes 0 byte files are cached in media cache 
[DFS-1410] - Fixed: In DAM Explorer Searching for multiple words did not work in Solr as expected
[DFS-1412] - Fixed: Wrong data send to Digizuite when saving an editmulticombo or editcombo
[DFS-1414] - Fixed: When resizing transparent png, they lose there transparency
[DFS-1417] - Fixed: DetectDamChangesAgent stops when installing a package

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