DC 4.10.0 - 3.2 Main Areas of the DAM Center

DC 4.10.0 - 3.2 Main Areas of the DAM Center

In the following section we will go through the four main areas of the DigizuiteTM DAM Center:

  • Running jobs
  • Catalog
  • Channels
  • System tools

7.1 Running jobs

In the 'Running jobs' folder, you can monitor the status and process information for jobs currently in progress. The status of the process changes in 'real time' until the job is complete.

To view Running jobs a Digizuite™ user needs to have at least 1 (or more) of the following Running Jobs-roles assigned to his profile (or be part of a group that has the roles).

Roles can be set individually to allow specific users or groups to view, re-import, re-prioritize and change active jobs as needed. A Digizuite™ administrator is needed in order to change current roles. This provides an overview of the system and also for SuperUsers to adjust active jobs without consulting an administrator.

7.2 Catalog

The Catalog area in the DigizuiteTM DAM Center can be found in the left side menu. The area contains assets structured in folders and subfolders. The DAM Center is based on a single-source strategy: the source of the asset will always be inside the Catalog area and a copy will be published on the other products.

7.2.1 Import

Importing assets can be done either manually or as a batch process automated by the Digizuite™ DAM Center.
There are two ways that helps at importing assets into the system.

  1. Digizuite™ importer
  2. UNC Batchingest (automated) DigizuiteTM DAM Center Importer

Allows for ingest of Digizuite™-supported files through the Digizuite™ importer.

When importing multiple files, all files are ingested as individual assets. Importing assets to the Digizuite™ is simple and requires only a valid Digizuite™ username. (User must have upload access)

Importing new assets can be done by right clicking on the desired folder from Catalog. From the opened menu select Import to folder and the importer will be available. You can also edit metadata information for each asset before importing it.

Selecting Begin upload initiates the import of files. During import, the metadata editor is locked and no further metadata can be added / removed.

It is possible to minimize the upload window once the upload has been initiated. To do this, click on the minimize icon in the top right area of the upload window. This will minimize the window and show the process in the top bar of the DAM Center. You may then continue to work with the DAM Center while the upload is in progress (the DAM Center may slow down when uploading large files).

Once complete, the batch system ingests all selected files as assets. Imported files are placed in the selected folder. During processing, files and status can be monitored from the Running jobs menu.

Required Fields

The Digizuite™ has a feature – Required fields. This feature allows for a Digizuite™ SuperUser or administrator to mark one or more metadata fields as required on upload. If not filled in correctly, upload fails. Selecting a metadata field as required can be done through the DAM Console.

There is no limit to what kind of metadata fields or how many of them can be marked as required – any type of metadata field can be set as required, e.g. title, description, language, date, keywords, custom metadata fields etc.

When marked as required, selected metadata field must be filled in correctly on each selected file in the upload list, before uploading can be initiated. UNC Batch ingest

Batch ingest workflows are custom designed based on feature-requests and technology. Please consult a Digizuite administrator or the support team for further information.

File monitoring is a third possibility for importing material in the Digizuite™ DAM Center. Using plug-ins, the Digizuite™ can be configured to inspect a given UNC path, in which files will be imported to Digizuite™.

In addition, files can be ingested with related XML documents containing metadata for the file, which are automatically filled in for the newly imported asset in relation to the import inside the Digizuite™ DAM Center.

7.2.2 Versioning assets

The Digizuite™ can be configured to allow versioning of the assets. In plain terms this is also referred to as a replace-asset function.

The replace-asset feature allows assets to be versioned during upload. When enabled, and if an asset with a title exact equal to a previously uploaded assets is located, the uploader is prompted to decide whether to replace existing asset (hence creating a new version but with same unique ID number), or instead upload the asset as new asset.

Note: The asset versioning can be enable on any metadata required (title, description, keywords, etc.)

To enable the replace-asset feature please follow this guide: /wiki/spaces/DD/pages/42303700.

7.2.3 Add asset directly without source material

Dummy-assets (asset with no data) can be created in the Digizuite™, by simply selecting Add →  Metadata only directly in the requested catalog folder. Creating dummy-assets can be done for any Digizuite™ approved asset types and allows for metadata editing in advance.

7.2.4 Search

The Digizuite™DAM Center provides the option of an extensive search function. The search runs in the Catalog area, if you have the rights for these. A Digizuite™ SuperUser/Administrator can specify which metadata fields can be used as active search criteria.

Searches inside the Digizuite™ DAM Center allow you to select whether the same syntax that you recognize from Google should be used, or whether you want to retain the system's own syntax. This is a question of the configuration in the Digizuite™ DAM Center system area. This setting can be made by a system administrator. Syntax for Searching

The Digizuite™ is by default configured to use its own syntax when performing searches. Alternatively the search engine can be set to use Google syntax. To enable Google syntax the following two Digizuite™ constants must be set:

  • Value should be set to 1, 2 or 3
  • Inflectional = 1, Thesaurus = 2, Exact = 3
  • Value should be set to 1, 2 or 3
  • Inflectional = 1, Thesaurus = 2, Exact = 3 Filter options

The filter options is configurable. The following fields are defined as standard in the new DAM Center:

  • Asset type
  • Upload date
  • Free text

The filter options can easily be adjusted or removed, and new ones can be added if needed. Any asset metafield can be used as a filter. See the /wiki/spaces/DD/pages/42303706 for how to set this up. Publication of search result

When a collection of assets is created, you can find the collection inside Catalog →  Collections. A saved collection can always be published by right clicking on the desired collection and selecting Publish this collection. Finding the location of an asset in a collection

The metadata for each asset contains a link to the folder containing the asset. To go to this location, select the asset, click on one of the locations listed under the Catalog location or Channel location (if the asset exists in a channel folder.

7.2.5 Permissions

Administrators with editor permissions (Editor_Catalogs or Editor_SystemTools_AllwaysAllowItemSecurityEdit) can create and edit folder permissions by right-clicking on the desired folder and select Edit folder rights.

Folder permissions is based on a Linux folder structure, which allows for distinction between read and write (edit) permissions either on a folder structure or individual folders.

Understanding how to work with folder permissions, requires a basic understanding of how the permissions are set and changed.

When creating a new folder, the rights are automatically inherited from the parent.

7.3 Channels

Channels contains all the material that you want to be online and available via an external application. The different channels are defined in this area. A channel is a structure of data and assets.

Below you can see an example of a DAM Center with many channels:

An administrator will typically create the first level and assign metadata templates to this folder. The rights are inherited automatically by all assets in the channel. Templates are attached to the main folder.

All assets in the channel are only references. This means that you can delete a reference in the channel without influencing the actual asset which is located in the Catalog structure. Assets in the Channel area will always come from the Catalog area. This means that the content in the Channel area, is a reflection of the physical files that are found in the Catalog area. If you delete a published asset in the Catalog area, this will have an effect on the display of the relevant asset in a given Channel.

7.3.1 Publish to different channels

In order to publish an asset to a specific channel, navigate or search inside the Catalog for the asset. Once selected, open the metadata editor and select All asset types → Channel. Now mark the specific channel and press Save.

7.3.2 Channel folders

Channel folders are language dependent. In practice, this means that all folders can be related to all languages in the system.

Which language the individual user sees and/or edits is controlled by the user setup or the user's rights. Language data can naturally also be edited directly via language tabs which are recognized from the general metadata structure. The individual folders have certain data attached. In addition to the sort index which was used for displaying in Digizuite™ DAM Center, these definitions are solely for the destination. Editing metadata

Folders in the Channel area have editable metadata. In order to edit this, right click the chosen folder in the Channel area and select Edit metadata for folder. The metadata for Channel folders contains an additional tab named Layout, which is described below. Standard tab

The Standard tab usually defines the following fields:




Text string

Browser text

Text string

Status bar text

Text string

Node headline

Text string

Node text



Text string

Sort index


Frame target

Text string


Text string

Meta keywords


Meta description


Note: These are language dependent. Layout tab

The Layout tab usually defines the following fields:






The list of templates which work with the selected object and all subobjects, if there are any (folder).



Only folder.List of events which affect the folder. See more in the 'Automation of exports' folder.



States whether the asset is publicly available.



States whether the asset is available visually.

Never expires


States whether the asset has an expiry date.

Start date


Dating starts with the asset's availability.

End date


Dating stops with the asset's availability.

Start time

Text string

Shows the start time point in the format: 00:00:00.

End time

Text string

Shows the end time point in the format: 00:00:00.

Furthermore, references are also defined in the Layout tab.

7.3.3 Publication

The route to getting an asset published to, e.g. a website, is twofold. The asset is firstly exported to the quality/qualities determined in the template, which controls this exact asset. Then, the information on the medium's existence and the metadata are published.

Assets, that haven't been published yet, will have a gray overlay color. The published assets are distinct in color and are furthermore marked with green check marks in the top right corner. Publishing – Export

Exportation only happens when you click on the Publish option in settings menu (the gear icon). You can export many assets in one go, or even an entire folder structure.
Export happens completely automatically based on the definitions that the template define. You can also inspect the export in the 'Running jobs' folder. These exports are marked as 'Portal export' in the 'Running jobs' folder. Publishing – Data

Publishing site XML will take place when there are changes in the layout or the metadata they contain. This also means that it is only necessary to publish site XML if this is amended in the metadata, or if new assets are published. Automation of export

It is possible to set up a Channel folder so that it reacts with automatic export when assets are dropped into it. The following events are standard:

  • OnDrop_CreatecatalogReferenceThe event creates a reference to the asset(s) which are dropped into the folder.
  • OnDrop_CreateCatalogExportThe event exports the asset(s) which are dropped into the folder based on the templates which affect the folder.

The "OnDrop_CreateCatalogExport" event can be used to advantage for, e.g. automatic exports based on templates. In practice this can mean that all assets that are dropped into this folder are automatically transcoded or converted, as well as transported to a specific destination.

7.4 System tools

7.4.1 Metadata

The setup of metadata is fundamental in Digizuite™ DAM Center. Metadata is used for both internal and external purposes. The metadata helps manage digital data. Metadata tells about the content of imported material and also the data that can be searched using the Digizuite™ DAM Center's search tool.

Note: In order to have the workflow functionality access or alter metadata, it is required that the system user has the required access to the specific metadata field. For example if you want to upload asset to a menu item in Digizuite™ Video Portal or Digizuite™ Media Manager, it is required that the System user has read and write access to the underlying tree metadata field structure.

The following section is a list of the various metadata types used in and by the Digizuite™ DAM Center: Language

Metadata is language dependent data which describes, categorizes and/or organizes assets. According to the setup, the metadata data structure can be different from language to language. At the bottom of the metadata window is the language tab that can be used to switch to the relevant language. Validation

Validation of metadata data fields in the standard tab is controlled by the administrative setup. Validation helps you enter required metadata in the relevant fields, so that the metadata date agrees with the required data fields. In practice, this means that you enter the relevant metadata data and if you forget a required field, the system reminds the user which fields needs to be filled in. Tree

Tree is a special type of metadata data which provides access to hierarchical divisions and markers. There are four different types of trees. According to administrative setup, these trees can be presented in four different ways. All four ways are compatible with each other, in other words, you can switch between the four different representations without losing data.

The figure below shows an example of a hierarchical metadata tree structure:

Note: all changes made here are only saved when you click on the Save button from the upper right side of the pop-up. If you forget to save your metadata, you will be warned of this when you try to navigate away from the relevant tab. MultiComboBox

MultiComboBox is a type of metadata that allows you to select several values via a drop down list. The values are selected by clicking the '+' and can be deselected by clicking the '-'. All values are selected for amends by clicking '*'. EditComboBox

The EditCombox provides the opportunity to add/edit values in the drop down list under editing asset metadata. ItemReference

ItemReference is used to refer/connect one item with another. E.g. you can link items together by creating an ItemReference from an asset to a user/user group, or link a user and a transcoding together. Unique

Information in the unique metadata field means only one asset in the Digizuite™ can have this particular metadata-information.

The unique metadata field is editable by users and can be used for specific validation features on assets, e.g. a part- or serial number within a production line. Only one asset in the Digizuite™ can carry this certain number or label, rendering it as unique. Any attempts to set a label with the same unique value as another asset will result in a failure.

A Unique metadata fields is created and handled like any other metadata field and can be set as searchable by an administrator.

7.5.1 Setting up Metadata Metagroups

Definitions of metagroups are located under System Tools →  Metadata. Distribution of metadata takes place in metagroups. A metagroup is normally defined per asset type, e.g. one for video, one for images, one for audio and so on, but it is also possible to have one metagroup for all assets. By default this is labeled as All asset types and contains metafield information which relates to any type of asset such as title, description, date or keywords. Subgroups

A metagroup can operate as a subgroup to another metagroup. A subgroup will be displayed as an extra tab in the metadata structure and can either be defined as iterative or simply as a division.

A subgroup must be added as a metafield in an existing metagroup. This defines the hierarchy. The iterative settings are indicated in the definition of the metafield. See more about this under the definition of metafields. Static Fields






Obligatory fields.






Text (>4000).

Sort index


Sort index can be used in Portal.



Source text for assets without source (see page 12).



Indicates the system identity (assettid).



Imported data, e.g. keywords from PowerPoint files.

It is possible to decide which statistics fields must be shown in the individual metagroup. It is also possible to state simple rules, such as, whether the group is write protected or visible, for example. Metafields

Navigate to System Tools →  Metadata →  Asset →  Shared →  All asset types.

A metafield is a definition type of a specific metadata element. When you create a metafield you must indicate which type the metafield will be defined. The following types are standard in Digizuite™ DAM Center:



Description / Format





Text string

Max. 4000 characters (DB)








Date and/or time

Date field read only, i.e. you can only enter data via the inbuilt calendar. Can be indicated using the support field for the time specification in the format 00:00:00.


MetagroupOwn tab

Used in connection with subgroups.



Drop down field with the opportunity to select more options from the list. The bottom list shows the options that are selected. Select the options by selecting the option in the top drop down list and clicking the 'plus' button. De-select options by marking them in the bottom list and clicking the 'minus' button.



The traditional drop down which allows selection of only one option.



Drop down list that allows you to create new, or change existing values under editing asset metadata.


Notes field

Unlimited amount of text data. Can have a WYSIWYG editor attached.



Tree structure. Four different representations are possible, according to the configuration.


Text string

Fields which run a link-button function.

Master Itemreference

Master Item Reference registers Items that the actual item 'refers to'.

Slave ItemReference

Slave Item Reference, locates the Master Reference Item that is its own opposite

Administration of metafields consists of some standard settings for representation and validation as well as definition of one or more language elements. Each individual language has its own tab in the metafield. You can create metafields by filling in the relevant information.

The following standard fields define a metafield:










Max length


If indicated, this defines the max. number of characters in the field.

Sort index


Indicates sorting of metafields.



Indicates the base name (-ext) for the .dll plug-in which must be imported with the metafield.



Indicates an SQL language culture (how characters, currencies and time are defined) which must apply for all language definitions that do not specifically indicate own culture.



Indicates whether the field is required when metadata is saved.




Show in list


Indicates whether the field can be displayed in the standard metadata tab as well as the search list.

Read only


Indicates whether the field can be edited.

Show Html editor for this field


Allows HTML/WYSIWYG editors in the field. Only applies to the 'Note' type.



Indicates the metagroup.

Validation function


Indicates a validation function which runs during validation. The setting applies for all language definitions which have not explicitly defined a validation.

Restrict to assettype

Drop Down

Indicates the asset types for which the field should be displayed (standard all).


Drop Down

Indicates which type the field defines. Tree

The following fields are specific to the Tree field type:




Expand nodes


Indicates whether the user's standard presentation of a metadata tree in the editing function is with open nodes or not.



Indicates whether the tree should be built dynamically. Thus only visible nodes are imported.



Indicates the height in pixels of the tree that will be run on the metadata tab.

Tree format


Format which indicates how the data is represented in the standard tab.

There are four formats:

  1. Tree view – only selectedOnly the selected nodes and their paths are displayed.
  2. Tree view – entire treeThe whole tree is displayed with all the selected nodes marked.
  3. List view – only selectedThe selected nodes are displayed as lists.
  4. List view – full pathThe selected nodes and their paths are displayed as lists.
  5. List view - only one selected.
  6. List view – full path only one selected. DateTime

The following fields are specific to the field type DateTime:




Show support field


Indicates whether the field runs with an extra field for entering time. The time is indicated in the format hh:mm. Note

The following fields are specific to the field type Note:




Show HTML editor for this field


Indicates whether the field runs with the option of editing the content in an HTML editor. Reference

The following fields are specific to the field type Reference:






Indicates the reference that the field defines.


Drop Down

Format specification. The format will be setup by House & Co. Item reference

The Master/Slave Item Reference field types are used to register relations between items in the Digizuite™ DAM Center. Master/Slave – Item References hang together in pairs, so that a Slave Item Reference locates the Master Item Reference that is its own opposite. This means that a Slave Item Reference can never exist alone.

Master Item Reference registers items that the actual item 'Refers to' while the Slave Item Reference registers the items that the actual item is 'Referred from'.

7.5.2 Setting up a Master/Slave Item Reference

The Master/Slave Item Reference is a way to have one item reference another in the metadata. There are many different types of items; assets, member and folders are all items to name a few.

For example, let us say that you want to associate one (or more) authors with a PDF-file. One way to solve this would be to create a combo field with the authors' names, and then select the desired author when editing the metadata for the PDF-file. This will work fine on a basic level, but as soon as we need more data and/or functionality regarding the author, the Master/Slave Item Reference is a better choice. Let us say that the authors exist in the DAM Center as members, and are part of the member group "Authors". Instead of creating a combo field and manually typing in the names, we can create a Master/Slave Item Reference that allows us to reference these "Authors" directly when editing the metadata for the asset. This has several advantages, among others:

  • The PDF-file has a direct coupling with the members and the members' metadata. We can use this in other contexts (another application), for example to provide write access to only the authors of the PDF-file or show an author's nickname next to the PDF-file.
  • When later adding a new member to the "Authors" group, it will automatically be available as a choice when specifying authors in the PDF-file's metadata. This is especially handy when dealing with Active Directory synchronization and large amounts of members.

This is just one of many use cases. The Master/Slave Item Reference is already used in the DAM Center, such as to enable a member to save their favorite assets (Member/Asset reference) or when specifying which asset qualities a specific member group can download (MemberGroup/MediaTranscode reference).

To clarify, the Master/Slave Item Reference consists of two different metafields, the Master Item Reference and the Slave Item Reference. A Master Item Reference can exist without a Slave Item Reference, but not vice versa. If we take the above example with the PDF-file, it will work with just a Master Item Reference. But if we want to be able to see all the different PDF-files that a specific member is the author of – then we need to set up a slave item reference on the member metadata. This Slave Item Reference must then point to the Master Item Reference.

The special setup block as shown on the