OC6.1 Asset type insertion compatibility matrix

Here, you will find the supported asset type list for each supported Office product.

If you have content in your Digizuite DAM of an asset type not listed here, then the asset won't appear in the asset list picker.

Office Product

Available asset types

Office Product

Available asset types

Word (Desktop)

  • Image

  • Word

  • PowerPoint (Opens in PowerPoint)

  • Excel (Opens in Excel)

  • InDesign (If configured)

  • Illustrator (If configured)

  • Photoshop (If configured)

Word (Online)

  • Image (SVG and GIF not supported)

  • InDesign (If configured)

  • Illustrator (If configured)

  • Photoshop (If configured)

PowerPoint (Desktop)

  • Image

  • Word (Opens in Word)

  • PowerPoint

  • Excel (Opens in Excel)

  • InDesign (If configured)

  • Illustrator (If configured)

  • Photoshop (If configured)

PowerPoint (Online)

  • Image (SVG and GIF not supported)

  • InDesign (If configured)

  • Illustrator (If configured)

  • Photoshop (If configured)

Excel (Desktop)

  • Image

  • Word (Opens in Word)

  • PowerPoint (Opens in PowerPoint)

  • Excel

  • InDesign (If configured)

  • Illustrator (If configured)

  • Photoshop (If configured)

Excel (Online)


Outlook (Desktop)

All asset types

Outlook (Online)

All asset types