CCC6.1 Product Specific Information



Link Manager

  • Inserted text files will not be visible inside the Link Manager because Adobe does not register text files as Link objects.

After Effects

Link Manager

  • When files are imported from the CCC, they are imported as FootageItem.

  • Files inside a Composition or a Folder will not be displayed inside the link manager.


Insert asset

  • When users are not already editing Illustrator documents and inserting an asset image, a new document will be created, and the asset will be inserted into the document.

Link Manager

  • Local assets cannot be <Linked file> or <Image> since it will break the link manager.


Insert asset

  • When users are not already editing the active documents and inserting an asset image, a new document will be created, and the asset will be inserted into the document.

Link Manager

  • The files within the link manager are smart objects and cannot be modified if they need to be visible in the link manager.

    • However, assets within the active document can be manually converted into smart objects to be displayed in the link manager.

Premiere Pro

Link Manager

  • Files inside a Composition or a Folder will not be displayed inside the link manager.

  • The sidebar menu has to be closed after saving the document for it to enable using the link manager


  • The sidebar menu has to be closed after saving the document for it to enable using upload.