CCC5.10 CM Change storage location

CCC5.10 CM Change storage location


Do you need a different storage location than the default specified? Then, you can change the storage location to your preferred storage location.



Click the ‘Settings’ button to open the settings view.


This shows your current storage page when assets are downloaded



Changing storage location

Click the chevron or anywhere on the button to change the storage location. This will open a modal where you can select the folder to be the new storage location.

When you have selected the folder for the new storage location, then click the “Select” button.

A modal will then prompt the user, showing the current storage location and what it will be changed to.

Click the “Change” button to change the storage location.

After the Adobe Creative Cloud Connector has been restarted, you can see that your storage location has been updated, and the new storage location will be used when downloading assets.


Reset to the default storage location

To reset the storage location to the default storage location, click the “Reset to default” button.

A modal will then prompt the user to inform that an application is required before the changes can be applied.

Click the “Change” button to change the storage location to the default.

After the Adobe Creative Cloud Connector has been restarted, you can see that your storage location has been updated.