DFS 10.4.0 - 11 Video playback

DFS 10.4.0 - 11 Video playback

The standard HTML template for video in Asset fields looks like this.

HTML5 Video player template
<video poster="{stampvalue-config:cdn}/{stampvalue-config:mediapipeline}/{stampvalue-asset:assetsiloid}/{stampvalue-asset:assetid}-{stampvalue-config:webtile}/{stampvalue-asset-seo:name}" controls="controls" style="width:100%; height:100%;"> <source type="video/mp4" src="{stampvalue-config:cdn}/{stampvalue-config:mediapipeline}/{stampvalue-asset:assetsiloid}/{stampvalue-asset:assetid}-{stampvalue-selected:quality}/{stampvalue-asset-seo:name}"> {stampvalue-track:subtitles} </video>

This uses the standard HTML5 video player. This can of course be modified with styling as needed.

Custom video playback through API (code behind)

The video streaming URL is retrieved from the API, see this guide DFS 10.4.0 - 4 Accessing metadata through API, and using this a custom video player is constructable.


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