DC 6.0 [Deprecated] GetMetafieldComboNodes
Using SearchService for this is deprecated and will be removed in version 6.0. Use https://digizuite.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DD/pages/3804633769 instead.
This search is used for getting the tree nodes of a metafield of any of the combo types.
URL : /SearchService.js
Method : POST
Auth required : Yes
Required parameters
Name | Example | Description |
SearchName | Digizuite_system_metadatav2_combobox | Fixed parameter that identifies the endpoint method. |
sfMetafieldLabelId | 51406 | id of the metafieldlabel |
query | sitecore | free text search in combos |
accessKey | 2d8319f4-7a57-4ca0-a027-c44c2f259aac | accessKey for api |
Note: You can use either sfMetafieldLabelId or query or a conjunction of them.
cUrl data example
--data "SearchName=Digizuite_system_metadatav2_combobox&accesskey=eb774621-1c2f-467b-b006-a8efa67094a7&sfMetafieldLabelId=51406"
Success Response
Code : 200 OK
Content example
"success": true,
"error": "",
"total": "2",
"items": [{
"itemId": "8455",
"totalCases": "2",
"item_combo_valueid": "51081",
"combovalue": "Office Connector",
"optionvalue": "Office Connector",
"sortIndex": "0",
"isPublic": "1",
"visible": "1",
"language_join_guid": "11687388-DA2B-4509-915E-F08A6E486C19"
"itemId": "9110",
"totalCases": "2",
"item_combo_valueid": "51165",
"combovalue": "Sitecore",
"optionvalue": "Sitecore",
"sortIndex": "0",
"isPublic": "1",
"visible": "1",
"language_join_guid": "0EC340F1-8CDD-492B-904C-1FF96A21919B"
Error Response
Code : 200 OK
Content example
"success": false,
"total": 0,
"error": "A critical exception occurred while we executed the search.\r\n",
"items": null,
"warnings": [{
"Severity": 150,
"Code": 420,
"Description": "A critical exception occurred while we executed the search."