DC 6.0 Available steps in automations

Available steps

This documentation is auto-generated from the source, hence it's very unlikely to contain mistakes.

Some additional manual documentation might be provided below. 

Available triggers



Exported Variables




Exported Variables


Asset Created Trigger

Triggers whenever an asset is created

  • @sourceAssetId

  • @sourceAssetItemId

  • key: upload_computer

  • Required: False

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

Asset Deleted Trigger

Triggers whenever an asset is deleted



Asset Folder Updated Trigger

Triggers whenever an asset moved between folders

  • @sourceAssetId

  • @sourceAssetItemId

  • key: from_folder

  • Description: The folder the asset moved from

  • Required: False

  • Type: foldervalue

  • Exported: False

  • key: to_folder

  • Description: The folder the asset moved to

  • Required: False

  • Type: foldervalue

  • Exported: False

Asset Profile Published

Triggers whenever the specified profile for the asset is published



Business Workflow Stage Entered

Triggers when the specified stage in a business workflow is entered, no matter where it came from



Business Workflow Stage Left

Triggered when a stage is left, no matter where the workflow is going afterwards



Business Workflow Transition Passed

Triggered whenever the specific transition is passed




Triggers the workflow on a specific schedule


  • key: schedule

  • Description: The cron string to use as schedule

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

  • key: misfire_instruction

  • Description: What should be done if the time passes for the trigger?

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: fireoncenow

  • Type: options

  • options: IgnoreMisfirePolicy (ignoremisfirepolicy), DoNothing (donothing), FireOnceNow (fireoncenow)

  • Exported: False

  • key: identity

  • Description: A unique id for this trigger specifically, if it's not unique
    amongst all cron triggers, then you will have a problem.

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

Derived Asset Created

Triggers when a new derived asset is created



Location State Changed

Triggered whenever a new asset is uploaded

  • @sourceAssetId

  • @sourceAssetItemId

  • key: new_location_state

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: options

  • options: Offline (offline), Online (online)

  • Exported: False


Used only by admin for manually triggering a lot of runs



Member Created

Whenever a new member is created

  • @sourceMemberId

  • @sourceMemberItemId


Member Deleted

Whenever an existing member is deleted. Covers both soft and permanent deletes

  • @sourceMemberId

  • @sourceMemberItemId

  • @isSoft

  • key: only_soft_deletes

  • Description: True if the trigger should trigger only for soft deletes

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: true

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Member Metadata Changed

Whenever the Metadata on a member changes

  • @sourceMemberId

  • @sourceMemberItemId


  • key: meta_field

  • Description: The metafield to watch for updates

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False


Triggers only if the metadata update was for the specified field.

  • @sourceAssetId

  • @sourceAssetItemId

  • @changedValue

  • @deleted

  • key: meta_field

  • Description: The metafield to watch for updates

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

Performance Test Trigger


  • @scheduledAt

  • key: identifier

  • Description: An identifier for the flow to limit execution

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

Replaced Asset Created

Triggers when a new replaced asset is created



Specific Metadata Value

Triggers when a metadata field changes either to or from the specified value



WebHook Trigger

Allows a workflow to be invoked using http



Available actions







Add Floats

Adds two floating point numbers together


Add Integers

Adds two integers together


Add Items To Collection

A list of assets will be added to the given collection. 

  • key: collection_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: item_ids

  • Required: True

  • Type: list:int

  • Exported: False

Add Member to Group

Adds a member to the given group

  • key: member_id

  • Description: The id of the member

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: group_id

  • Description: The id of the group

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

Add Member to Roles

Adds a member to the given roles


Add Tree Metafield value



Add time to date

Adds the specified number of seconds to the given date, and gives the new date


Approve Member

Approves given member


Change Text Casing

Changes the casing of some text


Calculate aspect ratio

Calculates a nice aspect ratio "16:9" from a height and width


Clear metafield



Concat lists

Concats two lists into one larger list


Convert Asset Id To Asset Item Id

Converts the given asset id to an asset item id

  • key: asset_id

  • Description: The asset id to convert

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Description: The resulting asset item id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: True

Convert Asset Item Id To Asset Id

Converts the given asset item id to an asset id

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Description: The asset item id to convert

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: asset_id

  • Description: Asset resulting asset id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: True

Convert Member Id To Member Item Id

Converts a member id into a member item id

  • key: member_id

  • Description: The member id to convert

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: member_item_id

  • Description: The resulting member item id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: True

Convert Member Item Id To Member Id

Converts the given member item id to a member id

  • key: member_item_id

  • Description: The member item id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: member_id

  • Description: The resulting member id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: True

Create Entity Item

Creates an entity item from the entity type and item


Create Folder Reference

Creates a folder reference for use in other steps that requires a folder value reference

  • key: folder_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: repository_type

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: portal

  • Type: options

  • options: Default (default), Catalog (catalog), Userfolder (userfolder), Recyclebin (recyclebin), SharedFolder (sharedfolder), SearchFolder (searchfolder), UploadFolder (uploadfolder), ExportFolder (exportfolder), AdminFolder (adminfolder), SettingsFolder (settingsfolder), Portal (portal), DigiBatch (digibatch), BackendUsers (backendusers), BackendGroups (backendgroups), media_format (media_format), transcode (transcode), LanguageLabel (languagelabel), Profile (profile), MetaGroup (metagroup), Config (config), Product (product), Collection (collection)

  • Exported: False

  • key: result

  • Required: True

  • Type: foldervalue

  • Exported: True

Create New Collection

Create a new collection with the given collection name. 

The action will export a 'CollectionId' after it has been executed.

  • key: collection_name

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

  • key: item_ids

  • Required: True

  • Type: list:int

  • Exported: False


Delays the execution with the Duration milliseconds

  • key: duration

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: message

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

Delete Asset

Soft deletes an asset (that is, keeps the actual file, but sets deleted bit)

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Description: The ItemId of the asset to be soft deleted

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

Delete Asset Permanently

!DANGER! Permanently deletes an asset (there is NO WAY to recover after this)

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Description: The ItemId of the Asset to be PERMANENTLY deleted

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: i_know_what_i_am_doing

  • Description: Confirmation that you actually know the consequence of this action

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Delete Business Workflow Instance



Delete assets from all collections



Delete Collection(s)

A list of collections will be deleted. 

  • key: collection_ids

  • Required: True

  • Type: list:int

  • Exported: False

Divide Floats

Divides two floating point numbers


Divide Integers

Divides two integers


Download Asset Format

Downloads the given asset format to disk for processing

  • key: asset_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: media_format_id

  • Description: Using '-1' will get the source file for the asset

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: -1

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: destination_id

  • Required: False

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: file_name

  • Description: The generated file name, the file was saved under, on the job machine.

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: True

Find assets

Finds all assets that matches the given search parameters


Force fail

This step always fails


Format String

Just applies the specified variables as specified. You might not need this step, as applying the variables can be done inline when you pass variables to other steps.


Get Asset Information

Gets information about the specified asset


Get Business Workflow Instances

Gets the business workflows that matches the specified inputs. All inputs are optional.


Get Business Workflow task details

Gets details about the specific business workflow task


Get Current Date

Gets the current timestamp. Format is compatible with Search2


Get Layout Folders for Assets

Gets the folders the asset is currently in


Get Member Information

Gets information about the specified member


Get metadata from damapi


  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

Get Set Differences

Compares two sets and returns the differences


Get Value At Index

Gets a value at a certain index in a list of values. Step will fail hard if index is not in array


Get absolute float

Gets the absolute value of the provided floating point numbers.


Get absolute integer

Gets the absolute value of the provided integer.


Get members in group

Gets the members in a specific group


Get period between dates

Gets the number of seconds between two dates


Initiate Business Workflow

Initiate a new instance of a business workflow


Invoke Endpoint


  • key: endpoint

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

  • key: method

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: get

  • Type: options

  • options: GET (get), POST (post), PUT (put), DELETE (delete), HEAD (head), OPTIONS (options), PATCH (patch), MERGE (merge), COPY (copy)

  • Exported: False

  • key: response

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: True

Item Guid to Item Id conversion

Converts a set of ItemGuids into ItemIds


Item id to Item Guid Conversion

Converts a set of ItemIds into ItemGuids


Join Strings

Joins a list of strings using a specific separator



Logs a message to the logger

  • key: text

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

lookup value

Looks up a specific value in the specified lookup


Move Asset To Folder

Moves an asset into a specific folder

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Description: The item id of the asset to move

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: folder

  • Description: The folder to move the asset into

  • Required: True

  • Type: foldervalue

  • Exported: False

Move Member To Folder

Moves the member to a specific folder

  • key: member_item_id

  • Description: The item id of the member to move

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: folder

  • Description: The folder to move to member to

  • Required: True

  • Type: foldervalue

  • Exported: False

Multiply Floats

Multiplies two floating point numbers


Multiply Integers

Multiplies two integers


Publish Asset

Triggers a publish for the specified assets


Query JSON


  • key: json

  • Description: The json to query into

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

  • key: json_path

  • Description: The json path to execute as query. The matches items will always be stringified

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

  • key: error_on_not_found_items

  • Description: Should an error be emitted if the query doesn't find any matching items?

  • Required: False

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

  • key: result

  • Required: True

  • Type: list:string

  • Exported: True

Regex Remove

Removes values from a string based on a regex pattern


Remove Asset From All Channels


  • key: excluded_folders

  • Description: The folder tree(s) to exclude

  • Required: True

  • Type: list:foldervalue

  • Exported: False

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Description: The item id of the asset to remove

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

Remove Asset From Folder

Removes the given asset from a given folder

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Description: The asset id to remove from the folder

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: folder

  • Description: The folder to remove the asset from

  • Required: True

  • Type: foldervalue

  • Exported: False

Remove Asset From Layout Folder Recursive


  • key: folder

  • Description: The folder (and all the children) to remove the asset from

  • Required: True

  • Type: foldervalue

  • Exported: False

  • key: excluded_folders

  • Description: The folder tree(s) to exclude

  • Required: True

  • Type: list:foldervalue

  • Exported: False

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Description: The item id of the asset to remove

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

RePublish Asset

Triggers a republish of the specified asset

  • key: asset_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

Remove Access Rights

Removes the access rights for a given target from a given accessor
If you want to explicitly prevent an accessor from accessing an asset,
you probably need SetAccessRights instead, with Read and Write set to false.

  • key: accessor_item_id

  • Description: The item id of the accessor

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: target_item_id

  • Description: The item id of the target

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

Remove Member From Group

Removes a given member from a given group

  • key: member_id

  • Description: The id of the member

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: group_id

  • Description: The id of the group

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

Remove Member from Roles

Removes member from the given roles


Rename Business Workflow Instance

Rename a workflow instance


Replace string

Replace a value in a string with another value Uses regex, so you can use the found values


scale image

Scales an image to the specified height/width and format

  • key: width

  • Description: The width of the generated image. Auto-calculated if set to 0

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: height

  • Description: The width of the generated image. Auto-calculated if set to 0

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: input_file

  • Description: The name of the input file on disk

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

  • key: output_file

  • Description: The name of the generated file on disk

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: True

  • key: output_format

  • Description: The output format of the file (png, jpg)

  • Required: True

  • Type: options

  • options: bmp (bmp), gif (gif), jpeg (jpeg), png (png), tiff (tiff)

  • Exported: False


Executes the given search

  • key: search

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

  • key: search_parameters

  • Required: True

  • Type: list:KeyValueStringString

  • Exported: False

  • key: result

  • Required: True

  • Type: list:string

  • Exported: True

Send email to member

Send email to members


Split Combo Value

Splits a combo value into its components, optionValue, label and Id


Split Entity Value

Splits an entity item into it's components


Split Folder Reference

Splits a folder reference into individual parts, so they can be used by themselves

  • key: folder

  • Description: The Folder reference to split

  • Required: True

  • Type: foldervalue

  • Exported: False

  • key: folder_id

  • Description: The resulting id of the folder

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: True

  • key: repository_type

  • Description: The resulting repository type of the folder

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: default

  • Type: options

  • options: Default (default), Catalog (catalog), Userfolder (userfolder), Recyclebin (recyclebin), SharedFolder (sharedfolder), SearchFolder (searchfolder), UploadFolder (uploadfolder), ExportFolder (exportfolder), AdminFolder (adminfolder), SettingsFolder (settingsfolder), Portal (portal), DigiBatch (digibatch), BackendUsers (backendusers), BackendGroups (backendgroups), media_format (media_format), transcode (transcode), LanguageLabel (languagelabel), Profile (profile), MetaGroup (metagroup), Config (config), Product (product), Collection (collection)

  • Exported: True

Split String

Splits a string according to the specified separator


Split Tree value

Splits a tree value into its components

  • key: value

  • Description: The value to split

  • Required: True

  • Type: treevalue

  • Exported: False

  • key: meta_field

  • Description: The meta field the value comes from

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: option_value

  • Description: The "optionvalue" property

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: True

  • key: id

  • Description: The "id" property

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: True

  • key: label

  • Description: The "label" property

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: True

Set Bit Metafield

Updates a bit value

  • key: meta_field

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: new_value

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: use_versioned_metadata

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Set ComboValue Metafield

Updates a ComboValue metafield

  • key: meta_field

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: new_value

  • Required: True

  • Type: combovalue

  • Exported: False

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: use_versioned_metadata

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Set Date Metafield

Updates a date field

  • key: meta_field

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: new_value

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM

  • Type: datetime

  • Exported: False

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: use_versioned_metadata

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Set EditComboValue Metafield

Updates the value of an edit combo value meta field

  • key: meta_field

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: new_value

  • Required: True

  • Type: combovalue

  • Exported: False

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: use_versioned_metadata

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Set EditMultiComboValue Metafield

Updates the value of the edit multi combo value meta field

  • key: update_method

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: set

  • Type: options

  • options: Set (set), Merge (merge), Unset (unset)

  • Exported: False

  • key: meta_field

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: new_value

  • Required: True

  • Type: list:combovalue

  • Exported: False

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: use_versioned_metadata

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Set Float Metafield

Updates a float metafield

  • key: meta_field

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: new_value

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: double

  • Exported: False

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: use_versioned_metadata

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Set Int Metafield

Sets the value of the given int metafield

  • key: meta_field

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: new_value

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: use_versioned_metadata

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Set Link Metafield

Updates the value of a link meta field

  • key: meta_field

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: new_value

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: use_versioned_metadata

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Set MasterItemReference Metafield

Updates the value of a MasterItemReference field


Set MultiComboValue Metafield

Updates the value of a MultiComboValue field

  • key: update_method

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: set

  • Type: options

  • options: Set (set), Merge (merge), Unset (unset)

  • Exported: False

  • key: meta_field

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: new_value

  • Required: True

  • Type: list:combovalue

  • Exported: False

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: use_versioned_metadata

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Set Note Metafield

Updates the value of a note meta field

  • key: meta_field

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: new_value

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: use_versioned_metadata

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Set String Metafield

Sets the value of the given string metafield

  • key: meta_field

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: new_value

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: use_versioned_metadata

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Set Tree Metafield

Updates the value of a tree meta field

  • key: update_method

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: set

  • Type: options

  • options: Set (set), Merge (merge), Unset (unset)

  • Exported: False

  • key: meta_field

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: new_value

  • Required: True

  • Type: list:treevalue

  • Exported: False

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: use_versioned_metadata

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Set Access Rights

Sets the access rights on a specific asset for a specific member

  • key: accessor_item_id

  • Description: The id of the member or member group to assign

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: target_item_id

  • Description: The item id of the asset to assign rights on

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: read_access

  • Description: If the member should have read access to the asset

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

  • key: write_access

  • Description: If the member should have write access to the asset

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Share Collection

Sharing a collection with a list of members, member groups or per email. 

  • key: collection_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: emails

  • Required: True

  • Type: list:string

  • Exported: False

  • key: member_ids

  • Required: True

  • Type: list:int

  • Exported: False

  • key: member_group_ids

  • Required: True

  • Type: list:int

  • Exported: False

  • key: shared_item_url

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

  • key: email_msg

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

Start Text Extraction

Starts indexing the content of the specified asset.


Subtract Floats

Subtracts two floating point numbers


Subtract Integers

Subtract two integers


Upload asset to FTP

Uploads the specified asset to FTP


Variable read

An export read sample

  • key: what

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

Variable set

Exports a value as a sample

  • key: value

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

  • key: export_as

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: True

Available filters







Asset type filter

Limits execution to certain asset types

  • key: asset_type

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: all

  • Type: options

  • options: All (all), Video (video), Audio (audio), Image (image), PowerPoint (powerpoint), Html (html), Text (text), Word (word), Excel (excel), InDesign (indesign), Zip (zip), META (meta), PDF (pdf), Archive (archive), Photoshop (photoshop), Illustrator (illustrator), Visio (visio), Cad (cad), ODT (odt), OTT (ott), ODS (ods), OTS (ots), ODP (odp), OTP (otp), ODG (odg), OTG (otg), ODB (odb), ODF (odf), ODM (odm), OTH (oth), Live (live)

  • Exported: False

  • key: asset_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: negate

  • Required: False

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Bool Comparison filter

Compares 2 arbitrary booleans

  • key: value

  • Description: A value read from somewhere

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

  • key: expected_value

  • Description: The value 'value' is expected to be

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

  • key: negate

  • Required: False

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

DateTime Comparison Filter

Allows you to compare two distinct dates for different kinds of equality


Do Member Have Role

Checks if the specified member has the specified role


Forced Result

Forces a certain outcome from the filter

  • key: result

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

  • key: negate

  • Required: False

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Has archived versions



Int Compare filter

Compares two ints


Is Array Empty

Checks if the given array is empty


Is Asset Soft Deleted

Checks if the specified asset has been soft deleted


Is Derived Asset

Checks if the specified asset is a derived asset


Is Empty String

Checks if the specified string is empty. Whitespace is not counted as empty. PASSES if the value is empty, FAILS if not.


Is Empty or whitespace String

Checks if the specified string is empty. PASSES if the string is empty. FAILS if the string has a value Empty is defined by string.isNullOrWhitespace in C#, meaning that whitespace values are also counted as empty


Is Int in range

Checks if the specified int is within a certain range


Is Member In Group

Checks if the specified member is in the specified group


Is Metafield Empty



Is Number Filter

Checks if some value is an integer


Is Replaced Asset

Checks if the specified asset is a replaced asset


Is datetime in range filter

Checks if the specific datetime is in range of min and max


Matches Regex Filter

Checks if some value matches a regular expression


Metadata bit filter

Limits the execution if the expected Bit value does not equal the requested Metafield value

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: metafield_item_id

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: expected_value

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

  • key: negate

  • Required: False

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Metadata combo filter

Limits the execution if the expected Combo value does not equal the requested Metafield value

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: metafield_item_id

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: expected_value

  • Required: True

  • Type: combovalue

  • Exported: False

  • key: negate

  • Required: False

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Metadata datetime filter

Limits the execution if the expected DateTime value does not equal the requested Metafield value

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: reference

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: expected_value

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM

  • Type: datetime

  • Exported: False

  • key: negate

  • Required: False

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Metadata editcombo filter

Limits the execution if the expected Edit Combo value does not equal the requested Metafield value

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: metafield_item_id

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: expected_value

  • Required: True

  • Type: combovalue

  • Exported: False

  • key: negate

  • Required: False

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Metadata editmulticombo filter

Limits the execution if the expected Edit Multi Combo value does not equal the requested Metafield value

  • key: asset_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: reference

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: expected_value

  • Required: True

  • Type: list:combovalue

  • Exported: False

  • key: action_enum

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: exact

  • Type: options

  • options: Exact (exact), All (all), Any (any)

  • Exported: False

  • key: negate

  • Required: False

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Metadata float filter

Limits the execution if the expected Float value does not equal the requested Metafield value

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: metafield_item_id

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: expected_value

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: double

  • Exported: False

  • key: tolerance

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: double

  • Exported: False

  • key: comparison_method

  • Description: How the actual value should be compared with the expected value, e.g., 'actual' LessThan 'expected'

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: equals

  • Type: options

  • options: Equals (equals), LessThan (lessthan), GreaterThan (greaterthan), LessThanOrEquals (lessthanorequals), GreaterThanOrEquals (greaterthanorequals), NotEqual (notequal)

  • Exported: False

  • key: negate

  • Required: False

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

metadata int filter

Limits the execution if the expected Int value does not equal the requested Metafield value

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: metafield_item_id

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: expected_value

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: 0

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: comparison_method

  • Description: How the actual value should be compared with the expected value, e.g., 'actual' LessThan 'expected'

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: equals

  • Type: options

  • options: Equals (equals), LessThan (lessthan), GreaterThan (greaterthan), LessThanOrEquals (lessthanorequals), GreaterThanOrEquals (greaterthanorequals), NotEqual (notequal)

  • Exported: False

  • key: negate

  • Required: False

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Metadata link filter

Limits the execution if the expected Link value does not equal the requested Metafield value

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: metafield_item_id

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: expected_value

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

  • key: negate

  • Required: False

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Metadata multicombo filter

Limits the execution if the expected Multi Combo value does not equal the requested Metafield value

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: metafield_item_id

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: expected_value

  • Required: True

  • Type: list:combovalue

  • Exported: False

  • key: action_enum

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: exact

  • Type: options

  • options: Exact (exact), All (all), Any (any)

  • Exported: False

  • key: negate

  • Required: False

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Metadata note filter

Limits the execution if the expected Note value does not equal the requested Metafield value

  • key: expected_value

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

  • key: asset_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: reference

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: case_sensitive

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

  • key: negate

  • Required: False

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Metafield string filter

Limits the execution if the expected String value does not equal the requested Metafield value

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: metafield_item_id

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: expected_value

  • Required: True

  • Type: string

  • Exported: False

  • key: negate

  • Required: False

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Metadata tree filter

Limits the execution if the expected Tree value does not equal the requested Metafield value

  • key: asset_item_id

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: @sourceAssetItemId

  • Type: int

  • Exported: False

  • key: reference

  • Required: True

  • Type: metafield

  • Exported: False

  • key: expected_value

  • Required: True

  • Type: list:treevalue

  • Exported: False

  • key: action_enum

  • Required: True

  • DefaultValue: exact

  • Type: options

  • options: Exact (exact), All (all), Any (any)

  • Exported: False

  • key: negate

  • Required: False

  • DefaultValue: false

  • Type: bool

  • Exported: False

Regex extract single value

Extract single value from a string using a Regex (regular expression)


Regex extract value

Extract values from a string using a Regex (regular expression)


Retrieve metadata value for MasterItemReference metafield

Gets the value of the specified master item reference metafield, and makes it available for further steps


Retrieve metadata value for bit metafield

Gets the value of the specified bit metafield, and makes it available for further steps


Retrieve metadata value for combo metafield

Retrieves the value of a combo metafield for use in further steps.


Retrieve metadata value for datetime metafield

Gets the value of the specified datetime metafield, and makes it available for further steps


Retrieve metadata value for edit combo metafield

Retrieves the value of a edit combo metafield for use in further steps.


Retrieve metadata value for edit multi combo metafield

Retrieves the value of a edit multi combo metafield for use in further steps.


Retrieve metadata value for float metafield

Gets the value of the specified float metafield, and makes it available for further steps


Retrieve metadata value for int metafield

Gets the value of the specified int metafield, and makes it available for further steps


Retrieve metadata value for link metafield

Gets the value of the specified link metafield, and makes it available for further steps


Retrieve metadata value for multi combo metafield

Retrieves the value of a multi combo metafield for use in further steps.


Retrieve metadata value for note metafield

Gets the value of the specified note metafield, and makes it available for further steps


Retrieve metadata value for string metafield

Gets the value of the specified link metafield, and makes it available for further steps


Retrieve metadata value for tree metafield

Retrieves the value of a tree metafield for use in further steps.


String Contains

Checks if one string contains the other


Upload Computer Filter

Checks if the asset was from the specified upload computer


Upload Member Filter

Checks if the asset was uploaded by the specified member


Other steps








For each value in a set of values, execute a set of steps