MM5.8 Other settings

MM5.8 Other settings

Brand portals

This menu item opens the section in which the user can configure brand portals: both the global style and the subpages.

For more information, see section Brand portals.

System administration

This menu item provides the users with the information about system health ('Health overview') as well as the status of Rabbit MQ ('Rabbit overview'). Both sections include filters relevant to their respective services to facilitate finding a specific item.


This menu item opens the section in which the user can configure and preview automations, access the status of automated jobs as well as configure lookups required in some automations.

For more information, see section Automation.


This menu item opens the section in which the user can configure and preview workflows.

For more information, see section Workflows.


In this section the user can access the system logs.

For more information, see section Logs.

Audit logs

This menu item opens the section, where the user can preview the operations performed in the system. This includes changes in metadata, creation and deletion of assets, publishing of asset profile and changes related to workflows.

For more information, see section Audit trail.

DigiBatch status

In this section the user can preview the details of system jobs and retry failed jobs.

For more information, see section DigiBatch.

System monitoring

This menu item gives access to the monitoring dashboard. Upon clicking this option, the user will be re-directed to a new window, where they need to log in to Grafana.

For more information, see section Monitoring and Grafana.

Configuration management

In this section the user can access central management of all system configuration.

For more information, see section Configuration Management.

General jobs

In this section the user has overview of the jobs running in the background in the system.




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