DFO 4.0.0 - 14 Configure Tiny MCE templates
When inserting Digizuite assets into a rich text field, different html templates are rendered depending of the asset type. In the default configuration below, we can see that Assettype “Image”, will render "<img alt='#title#' src='#link#' />"
. The tag #title# and #link# will be replaced with the selected assets data. There are 4 tags, that can be used:
#title#, The title of the selected asset.
#link#, The link of the selected quality and asset.
#downloadLink#, The downloadLink of the selected quality and asset.
#thumb#, The thumbnail images from the selected asset.
Default template configuration
public List<TinyMceTemplateElement> TinyMceTemplates = new List<TinyMceTemplateElement>()
new TinyMceTemplateElement()
AssetTypes = new List<string>() { "Default" },
HtmlTemplate = "<a href='#downloadLink#'>#title#</a>"
new TinyMceTemplateElement()
AssetTypes = new List<string> { "Image" },
HtmlTemplate = "<img alt='#title#' src='#link#' />"
new TinyMceTemplateElement()
AssetTypes = new List<string>() { "Video" },
HtmlTemplate = "<div style='width:640px; height:360px;'><video poster='#thumb#' controls='controls' style='width:100%; height:100%;'><source type='video/mp4' src='#link#'></video></div>"
You have the options to add your own configuration in the startup.cs. As a minimum you must add the default assettype. Otherwise nothing will be rendered.