DFO 4.0.0 - 2 Digizuite Media Library

DFO 4.0.0 - 2 Digizuite Media Library

The Digizuite Media Library is an embedde version of Digizuite™ Media Manager, which is loaded in an IFrame. In this guide we will describe the general use of the tool. You find a more detailed description here MM5.8 Use of the product.

2.1 Tour of the Digizuite Media Library

The is the main view containing a list of assets.

If you click an asset a preview is shown.

The Asset Browser Preview is a detailed view of the Asset, which shows additional information about the asset. From here you can inspect and edit metadata. Download and crop the asset.

2.2 Insert Asset

As an editor you have the options to insert an asset. Click the place button. The asset will now be attached to the mouse cursor. Now click on at content field to place the asset.


When using the field type Assetlist, then you have the option to multiselect assets.


2.3 Using crops

If the asset has crop variants, then you can insert then like this. Click the 3 dots, ths menu Crop, will tell if it has crops.