DC 5.7 GetMetadataGroups
DC 5.7 GetMetadataGroups
This search is used to get metadatagroups, it's metafieldgroupid and it's sub groups.
URL : /SearchService.js
Method : POST
Auth required : Yes
Required parameters
Name | Example | Description |
SearchName | DigiZuite_system_metadatav2_listGroups | Fixed parameter that identifies the endpoint method. |
itemid | 10585 | Itemid of a metadatagroup |
cUrl data example
Success Response
Code : 200 OK
Content example
{ "success": true, "error": "", "total": "0", "items": [{ "itemId": "10585", "metafieldgroupid": "10025", "metafieldgroupname": "Asset info", "metafieldid": { "metafieldid": "50354", "metafieldSubGroup": "50028", "metafieldSortindex": "50354", "metafieldDataTypeId": "65", "metafieldName": "Options", "metafieldIterated": "0", "metafieldIsRequired": "0", "metafieldIsRequiredUpload": "0", "metafieldReadonly": "0", "metafieldRestrictToItemtypeid": "0", "metafieldAutotranslate": "1", "metafieldAutotranslateOverwriteExisting": "1", "metafieldLabelId": "51414", "metafieldLabellabel": "Options", "metafieldLabellanguageid": "3", "metafieldref_itemid": "", "metafieldref_assetid": "" } }] }
Error Response
Code : 200 OK
Content example
{ "success": false, "total": 0, "error": "A critical exception occurred while we executed the search.\r\n", "items": null, "warnings": [{ "Severity": 150, "Code": 420, "Description": "A critical exception occurred while we executed the search." }] }