DFE 3.1.0 - Episerver Commerce
Digizuite™ For Episerver has build in support for Episerver Commerce. It will work as Episerver default, support for the drag and drop and/or the Media picker.
Commerce Example Package
The Digizuite.Episerver.Commerce package is distibuted as is, and includes examples how to import assets.
Download example package here ← To be linked
Package including:
Base Framework for putting products into queue for processing
Full import job
Import job for products changed last 30 days
Syncronizing products that is in queue
Episerver Fields in Digizuite™
In Digizuite UI, there is an Episerver Commerce panel with ProductIds field. Example bellow and Example package are using this field to connect DAM assets to products in commerce.
Example code
Querying DAM for assets by codes
This code is essential for querying the DAM. Example taken from Example package source file CommerceAssetConnector.cs
//Query to Digizuite
AssetQueryParameters aq = new Digizuite.Episerver.Models.AssetQueryParameters
FoldersToSearch = null,
AssetTypes = null,
CropName = null,
Sort = null,
Limit = -1,
Page = -1,
OptionalFilters = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>()
aq.OptionalFilters.Add("sProductIds_type_multistrings", "1");
aq.OptionalFilters.Add("sProductIds", code);
//possible to add products/skus
//aq.OptionalFilters.Add("sProductIds", nextcode);
IEnumerable<IContent> connectedMedia = IDigizuiteClient.Search(aq);
The IDigizuiteClient returns the IContent representation of the asset from DAM, that can be connected to Episerver Product/SKU CommerceMediaCollection where Media is connected.
How to connect assets to an Episerver product/SKU
This code sample attaches the IContent from DAM to product/SKUs
IEnumerable<IContent> assetlist = _client.Search(aq); //_client is DI of IDigizuiteClient
if (assetlist.Any()) //check if any result from DAM
if (_contentLoader.TryGet<IContent>(item.ContentReference, out IContent content))
if (content is IAssetContainer assetContainer)//contains CommerceMediaCollection
IAssetContainer ac = (content as EntryContentBase).CreateWritableClone() as IAssetContainer;
var updated = false;
//Decomment to remove CommerceMediaCollection for deletion of image, but this is not recomended for performance to delete and add for efter run, to much overhead.
//reset commerce collection
//if (ac.CommerceMediaCollection.Any())
//ac.CommerceMediaCollection = new ItemCollection<CommerceMedia>();
foreach (var asset in assetlist)
//check if allready connected
if (!ac.CommerceMediaCollection.Any(x => x.AssetLink.ID == asset.ContentLink.ID))
ac.CommerceMediaCollection.Insert(0, new CommerceMedia() { AssetLink = asset.ContentLink, SortOrder = 0, AssetType = "episerver.core.icontentimage", GroupName = "Digizuite" });
updated = true;
var m1 = $"Digizuite id {asset.ContentLink.ID} allready connected to {code}<br/>";
returnmessage += m1;
Success = true;
catch (Exception e)//if allready connected error
var m2 = $"Digizuite id {asset.ContentLink.ID} failed to connect to {code} {e.Message}<br/>";
returnmessage += m2;
Success = false;
var m3 = $"Digizuite id {asset.ContentLink.ID} has been connected to {code}<br/>"; ;
returnmessage += m3;
Success = true;
if (updated)
//saving your change
//use ForceCurrentVersion and SkipValidation for performance boost/less overhead database work <-- secret
_contentRepository.Save(ac as IContent, EPiServer.DataAccess.SaveAction.Publish | EPiServer.DataAccess.SaveAction.SkipValidation | EPiServer.DataAccess.SaveAction.ForceCurrentVersion, EPiServer.Security.AccessLevel.NoAccess);
catch (Exception e) {
var m4 = $"Saving Commerce Asset failed. contentReference: {(ac as IContent).ContentLink.ID} code: {code}";
returnmessage += m4;
_logger.Error(m4, e);
Success = false;
Programmatically update the DAM with ProductIds
This code is an example how you may update a DAM Asset with ProductIds (SKU Code) from Episerver.
using Digizuite.Api.Core.Shared.Model; //from Digizuite.Api.Core.AspNet
private readonly IDigizuiteClient _client; //from Digizuite.Episerver
private void AddSkuToDamAsset(ContentReference assetLink, string skuCode)
var content = _contentLoader.Get<IDigizuiteContent>(assetLink);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(skuCode) && content != null) {
List<MetadataValue> lst = new List<MetadataValue>();
//use metafieldLabelid from Digizuite center
lst.Add(new MetadataValue("51992", MetadataFieldType.EditMultiComboValue.ToString(),
new string[] { skuCode }, BatchUpdateType.Asset));
var res = _client.Configuration.MetaDataService.UpdateMetadata(content.ItemId, lst).Result;
if (!res.Success)
resultMessage += res.Error + "<br/>";
Result in DAM: