DZW - How to Create Task from Digizuite

Using the Digizuite automation engine, it is easy to create a task with an asset directly from the Digizuite.


  • R&D to configure client in integration broker

  • Provide what Folder in Wrike where assets must be created.

  • What Title and Description must be created.

  • A metadata field in DAM for the Task ID (so that one can see the wrike task ID from the asset in DAM).

Automation Example:

trigger "Uploaded" {     type = "Location State Changed"     resolves = "Set String Metafield"     new_location_state = "online"     upload_computer = "Digizuite Media Manager"     ignore_derived_assets = "true"     ignore_replaced_assets = "true" } action "Invoke Endpoint" {     type = "Invoke Endpoint"     endpoint = "{CLIENT_ID}&integrationType=WrikeTaskService&assetId=@sourceAssetId&code={UNIQUE_AUTH_CODE}"     method = "post"     response = "@response" } action "Set String Metafield" {     type = "Set String Metafield"     needs = "Query JSON"     meta_field = "guid:c8bb4af3-1598-4ea4-8d7a-98d54eead977"     new_value = "Wrike Task ID: @resultJson"     asset_item_ids = "@sourceAssetItemId" } action "Query JSON" {     type = "Query JSON"     needs = "Invoke Endpoint"     json = "@response"     json_path = "$.result"     error_on_not_found_items = "false"     result = "@resultJson" }