DSMC 5.5 Installation

DSMC 5.5 Installation

Installing the Digizuite SMC Connector is done by following these steps.

Notice that is won’t work in Incognito. And SSO is not currently supported until 5.7.0.

Also have in mind that SSO from 5.7.0 requires a login each time the block must be used.

DAM Requirements

Please ensure that you have 10016 destination so that assets can be viewed publicly.

CDN is recommended

We recommend to always use CDN for this data since the emails can entail many views in different countries: DC 5.5 CDN

Installation Process in Salesforce

1- Go to setup → Installed Packages → New → Provide Name

2- Add new Component and select ‘Custom Content Block’ → Next

3- Enter Name and the URL. For now just c/p this URL: https://red-beach-091e1f503.1.azurestaticapps.net?salesforceAccessKey={key}&destinationId=10016 (we need to change it later)

Please ensure that you have the destination = 10016

4- Take the Unique Key and copy paste

5- Edit the Custom Content Block and edit the URL to have salesforceAccessKey equal to what you just copy pasted.

6- Go back to the home page. Validate that you indeed see the Digizuite Connector under ‘Custom’ in the Content Builder.


Provide users Access to Package

Go to the package inside of Salesforce and ensure that either specific users are given access or all as seen below: