DHS 5.8 Installation

The Digizuite Hootsuite connector is available as a Hootsuite App: https://apps.hootsuite.com/apps/digizuite-content-source

Notice that is won’t work in Incognito and does not support SSO until 5.6.5+

But it supports all versions of embedded UI from 5.6.5+


  • Ensure to have the proper role for that specific (Smart Asset Picker Role)

  • Notify Digizuite Product about usage and your Media Manager URL will be added to allowed list of URLs

First go to Account and Install Hootsuite Apps

Here simply search for Digizuite and install the Digizuite Content Source.


Content Source

It will automatically be available after install as a Content Source:


Add to Stream View

Go to Streams as shown below here:


Then add the app:

Which will show it here in the stream view:



On installation the app can be found and used as seen here: