DC 5.6 GetAssets

DC 5.6 GetAssets

GetAssets is used for fetching information about assets. This is a search on the Digizuite product.

URL : /SearchService.js

Method : POST

Auth required : Yes

Required parameters

SearchNameGetAssetsFixed parameter that identifies the endpoint search.
accessKey2d8319f4-7a57-4ca0-a027-c44c2f259aacAccessKey for API

Optional parameters

sAssetId100ID of an asset in Digizuite

ID of a channel in Digizuite. Use this for getting assets that are published to a specific channel

sCatalogFolderId100ID of catalog folder ID. Use this for getting assets in a specific catalog.
sAssetType4Filter for asset type, see GetAssetTypes



Filter for upload date
freetext"test"Search in title, description and keywords for the input. This can be modified to search on more fields.

Defines what the result should be sorted on. Can be one value or a comma seperated list of values. The list of possible values are:

  • sortDateAsc
  • sortDateDesc
  • sortAlphabeticAsc
  • sortAlphabeticDesc
  • sortAssetTypeAsc
  • sortAssetTypeDesc

cUrl data example

--data "SearchName=GetAssets&accesskey=faa9987b-7b2d-47de-ab3a-92993146a802&sAssetId=3119"

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

	"success": true,
	"error": "",
	"total": "1",
	"items": [{
		"itemId": "23624",
		"totalCases": "1",
		"assetId": "3119",
		"itemId": "23624",
		"assetType": "4",
		"fileSize": "4318504",
		"name": "",
		"thumb": "https://mm-dam.dev.digizuite.com/dmm3bwsv3/3119_3_11_4_11_0_faa9987b-7b2d-47de-ab3a-92993146a802_False.jpg?mptdid=96310",
		"downloadSource": "https://mm-dam.dev.digizuite.com/dmm3bwsv3/3119_0_11_4_44_0_faa9987b-7b2d-47de-ab3a-92993146a802_True_.jpg",
		"imagePreview": "https://mm-dam.dev.digizuite.com/dmm3bwsv3/3119_2_11_4_11_0_faa9987b-7b2d-47de-ab3a-92993146a802_False.jpg?mptdid=96309",
		"videoPreview": "https://mm-dam.dev.digizuite.com/dmm3bwsv3/3119_10079_11_4_11_0_faa9987b-7b2d-47de-ab3a-92993146a802_False.mp4?mptdid=0",
		"videoPoster": "https://mm-dam.dev.digizuite.com/dmm3bwsv3/3119_2_11_4_11_0_faa9987b-7b2d-47de-ab3a-92993146a802_False.jpg?mptdid=96309",
		"sourceLocationPath": "\\\\DZ-DEV-APP01\\mmdev\\dmm\\Assets\\1-10000\\3101-3200\\3119\\3119_.jpg",
		"importDate": "2017-12-19T15:54:23.990+01:00",
		"importedBy": "SuperAdministrator",
		"assetVersionId": "",
		"isPublic": "1",
		"neverExpire": "1",
		"endDate": "2017-12-19T15:54:24.060+01:00",
		"published": "1",
		"writeAccess": "1",
		"readAccess": "1",
		"displayAssetId": 3119,
		"displayitemId": 23624,
		"displayName": "",
		"displayAssetType": "4",
		"displayFileSize": "4318504",
		"displayImportedBy": "SuperAdministrator",
		"displayImportDate": "2017-12-19T15:54:23.990+01:00"

Error Response

Code : 200 OK

Content  example

	"success": false,
	"total": 0,
	"error": "A critical exception occurred while we executed the search.\r\n",
	"items": null,
	"warnings": [{
		"Severity": 150,
		"Code": 420,
		"Description": "A critical exception occurred while we executed the search."