DC 5.6 Core Service configuration

DC 5.6 Core Service configuration

This page documents the available options for the services the DAM Center has in Dotnet Core. The services are in the “DigizuiteCore” and “AutomationWorkflows” folders.


All settings are reloaded on-the-fly when the appsettings.json file is changed. I.e there is no need to restart the processes. You need, however, to have the entire path to the log file (sans the log file) pre-created upon load. This typically is only an issue for when you change the log path.

The following keys are available in the “Logging” section of the appsettings.json.

Some of these settings might not be visible by default, regardless of this, they may all be used.

Option name


Option name



The amount of logging to be included. Valid values are:

  1. None ← Least

  2. Critical

  3. Error

  4. Warning

  5. Information

  6. Debug

  7. Trace ← Most

With each log level has more info than the former (including the former).


A dictionary that can be used to change the log level of certain namespaces. Usually not something you need to change.

For example - the following:

"Overrides": { "Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore": "Warning" },

reduces the LogLevel of Entity Framework to Warning, rather than the normal log level set for the rest of the service. Multiple keys can be set at the same time.


The path to the directory where the log files


How many days to keep log files before deleting them


How many files to keep per service at the most.


There may be times when one or more applications fail to fully start. This is usually due to an issue with the environment. In case of this happening, it may be useful to access the failing services' Web.Config files, and enable stdout logging. Please be very cautious when enabling this, as it doesn’t clean up after itself. Once the service is up and running anew, there’s a real threat of it filling the disk entirely if not disabled again.

Log server configuration

The log server has the following configuration options:

Option name


Option name



The location of the log files on disk (Can be either a relative or absolute path)


The size in MB that determines (roughly) how big each log file should be allowed to become


Determines what kind of storage to use. Currently, only “Local” is supported.


What cleanup strategy to use. Either Duration or Count. Duration will keep all log files in a certain period, no matter the count. Count will only ever keep a certain amount of log files, no matter the period.


Determines how many old log files can be at the same time, if using the Count strategy


How long the log files will be kept, if using the Duration strategy. Use the C# TimeSpan format.

All these settings can be changed on-the-fly, without requiring a restart of the LogServer process.

Integration Service

The Integration Service debounces messages before sending updates to subscribing integration endpoints. The debounce interval can be configured by adding a “Debouncing” section to the appsettings.json file for the Integration Service. This section has the following configuration options:

Option name



Default value

Option name



Default value


The debouncing interval to use when debouncing messages before sending them to subscribing integration endpoints.


00:00:07” (7 seconds)

Internal Debouncing

A lot of services are debouncing messages using the Debouncing Service. The Debouncing Service can be configured by adding a “InternalDebouncing” section to the appsettings.json file for the Debouncing Service. This section has the following configuration options: