DC 5.6 Server setup

A Digizuite installation has four main areas

  • Web server
  • Database server
  • Processing server
  • Storage

These may be combined in any way on the same server or different servers.

Single server setups

The concept of single server setups, is having everything installed on the same server. This is not recommended for production environments. Use this option only for development and/or test setups


Installing everything on the same server decreases performance.

Multi server setups

The concept of multi server setups, is splitting the installation and thereby the workload, onto multiple servers. This is the recommended option for production environments. The number of servers depends on the need, the typical scenario would be the following:

  • 2 servers
    • Web server which includes database, storage and Search engine
    • Processing server
  • 3 servers
    • Web server which includes storage and Search engine
    • Database server
    • Processing server

Storage may be located on any of the servers, a dedicated fileshare or hosted in Azure storage.

Port Setup

This image illustrates the ports used by a Digizuite installation and how everything relates together.

Raw diagram markup:

Raw diagram markup
graph LR
    promtailBatch[Promtail Digibatch]
    promtailWeb[Promtail Web]
    iis -->|1433| SqlServer
    iis -->|80/443| iis
    iis -->|81/8983| Solr
    iis -->|5672| RabbitMQ
    iis -->|4222| Nats
    iis -->|9200/443| ElasticSearch

    ElasticSearch -->|9300|ElasticSearch
    Grafana -->|9090| Prometheus
    Prometheus -->|15692| RabbitMQ
    Prometheus -->|80/433| iis
    Browser -->|80/443| iis
    Browser -->|3000| Grafana
    Prometheus -->|9182| WindowsExporter
    Prometheus -->|8222| Nats
    DigiBatch -->|5672| RabbitMQ
    DigiBatch -->|4222| Nats
    promtailBatch -->|3100| Loki
    promtailWeb -->|3100| Loki
    iis -->|3100| Loki
    Importer -->|80/443| iis