CCC2.1 4 Digizuite™ Adobe Creative Cloud Connector Versioning

CCC2.1 4 Digizuite™ Adobe Creative Cloud Connector Versioning

The DAM Center enables the opportunity of creating multiple Creative Cloud Connector versions through the Config Manager.

Navigate to System tools → ConfigManager → Digizuite™ Adobe Creative Cloud Connector and select the correct version.

In the upper right corner, give a name to the new version you want to create and press on the Create new version button. It can be noticed that under System tools -> ConfigManager -> Digizuite™ Adobe Creative Cloud Connector a new folder has been created that contains the current version and the newly created one.

4.1 Mark version as the current one

Press on the Menu button and select Version information.

Copy the Version id and paste it inside the web.config, under:

<add key="ConfigVersionId" value="[VERSION_ID]" /> 
<add key="VersionId" value="[VERSION_ID]" />

Note: Use "!" in front of the VersionId to set that specific version as the current one, and not any version available beneath.

Example: <add key="ConfigVersionId" value="!/1/" />