DFS 9.0.0 - 2 Installing the package

DFS 9.0.0 - 2 Installing the package

2.1 Choose the right package

  1. DAM for Sitecore Lucene 9.0.0.zip
    Use this package for Sitecore 8.x and you plan for running DFS with Lucene search engine.
    If you choose this package the configuration file named Sitecore.ContentSearch.Lucene.DefaultIndexConfiguration.config located in Sitecore Website folder \App_Config\include needs to be enabled. You verify that it is enabled by looking at the file's extension. If it says .example or .disabled. it is disabled. Simply delete the .example or .disabled from the file. Even if the Sitecore installation is running Solr as the default search engine, this still has to be done.

  2. DAM for Sitecore Solr 9.0.0.zip
    Use this package for Sitecore 8.x and you plan for running DFS with Solr search engine.

  3. DAM for Sitecore 9.0.0.zip
    Use this package for Sitecore 9

2.2 Installation

If you are installing the module on a Sitecore instance that does not have a previous version of DFS, then continue with this this guide: DFS 9.0.0 - Installing DFS the first time.

If you already has a previous version of DFS installed on you Sitecore instance, then continoue with this guide: DFS 9.0.0 - Upgrade

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