Configure ADFS on Windows Server 2012 R2 - DAM v4.9.0
Jens Fristed Navne (Unlicensed)
1 Prerequisites:
- Administrative Privileges
- Service Account for ADFS integration
- Certificate for the federation service eg.
- Windows Server 2012 R2
- Server where ADFS is installed must be joined to a domain
- IIS Feature should be present on the server
2 Adding ADFS Feature to Windows
In the Server Manager, select: Manage / Add Roles and Features.
Press Next.
Select Role-based or feature-based installation and press Next.
Press Next.
Select Active Directory Federation Services and press Next.
Press Next.
Press Next.
Press Install.
Press Close.
3 Configuring ADFS Feature
In the Server Manager, select Post-deployment Configuration.
Select Create the first federation server in a federation server farm and press Next.
If current user does not have sufficient rights, press Change and select a administrative User, otherwise just press Next.
Press Import to import Certificate.
Select the certificate pfx file and press Open.
Fill password for pfx file (if any).
Fill Federation Service Display Name, and press Next.
Select Service Account for ADFS service and specify password or create one and press Next.
Select Create a database on this server using Windows Internal Database, and press Next.