DC5.0.0 6.2.7 - GetCatalogFolders

DC5.0.0 6.2.7 - GetCatalogFolders

This search is used for getting the catalog folder in which assets are located

URL : /SearchService.js

Method : POST

Auth required : Yes

Required parameters

SearchNameGetCatalogFoldersFixed parameter that identifies the endpoint method.
accessKey2d8319f4-7a57-4ca0-a027-c44c2f259aacaccessKey for api

Optional parameters

folderPrevRef49id of the parent catalog folder (0 is the root)

cUrl data example

--data "SearchName=GetCatalogFolders&accesskey=eb774621-1c2f-467b-b006-a8efa67094a7&folderPrevRef=49"

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

	"success": true,
	"error": "",
	"total": "2",
	"items": [{
		"itemId": "5732",
		"totalCases": "2",
		"folderId": "50",
		"prevRef": "49",
		"name": "Images",
		"childCount": "0",
		"assetsInFolder": "0",
		"assetsInFolderRecursive": "0",
		"writeAccess": "1"
		"itemId": "5733",
		"totalCases": "2",
		"folderId": "51",
		"prevRef": "49",
		"name": "Video",
		"childCount": "0",
		"assetsInFolder": "0",
		"assetsInFolderRecursive": "0",
		"writeAccess": "1"

Error Response

Code : 200 OK

Content  example

	"success": false,
	"total": 0,
	"error": "A critical exception occurred while we executed the search.\r\n",
	"items": null,
	"warnings": [{
		"Severity": 150,
		"Code": 420,
		"Description": "A critical exception occurred while we executed the search."

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