OC 5.4.0 1 Requirements
OC 5.4.0 1 Requirements
General requirements:
- The Digizuite™ Office Connector (from now on "OC") requires OC 5.1.1, DC 5.1.1 and MM 5.1.1 as a minimum.
- The OC must be installed as an HTTPS site.
- You must install aspnetcore 5.0.6 https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-aspnetcore-5.0.6-windows-hosting-bundle-installer
Deployment requirements:
Centralized Deployment
Centralized Deployment is the only supported deployment method of the OC.
The following requirements must be met to deploy the OC with this method:
- All users must use Office 365 ProPlus and be signed in to Office using their Organizational IDs.
- Windows users must use version 1704 or later of Office 365 ProPlus
A more detailed description of the requirements and a description of how to check whether the requirements are met can be found at: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/admin/manage/centralized-deployment-of-add-ins?view=o365-worldwide.
Alternative deployment methods
Alternative deployment methods exist, but they should only be considered if no Office 365 ProPlus subscription is available. However, note that:
- These alternatives have not been tested, and they are a lot more cumbersome than Centralized Deployment.
- No alternative seems to exist for making the OC available on Mac
Possible alternatives are
- Installing the OC separately on each computer where it is to be used: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/dev/add-ins/testing/create-a-network-shared-folder-catalog-for-task-pane-and-content-add-ins
- Publishing the OC to a SharePoint app catalog: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/dev/add-ins/publish/publish-task-pane-and-content-add-ins-to-an-add-in-catalog