DC 5.3.0 6.4.3 - UploadAsset

DC 5.3.0 6.4.3 - UploadAsset

This method is used for submitting the upload, which enabled the processing server to start processing the file

URL : /UploadService.js

Method : POST

Auth required : Yes

Required parameters

methodUploadAssetFixed parameter that identifies the endpoint method.
accessKeyeb774621-1c2f-467b-b006-a8efa67094a7AccesKey for API
digiuploadId1234Id of the upload, returned from InitiateUpload
itemId1234itemid of the upload, returned from InitiateUpload

Optional Parameters


Parameter used to identify what folder the uploaded asset should go to. It defaults to one
if not provided.

cUrl data example

--data "method=UploadAsset&itemId=9512&digiuploadId=4&accesskey=eb774621-1c2f-467b-b006-a8efa67094a7"

Success Response

Code : 200 OK

Content example

    "success": true,
    "total": 0,
    "error": "",
    "items": [{
        "AssetId": 4,
        "ItemId": 9512
    "warnings": []

Error Response

Code : 200 OK

Content  example

	"success": false,
	"total": 0,
	"error": "Access denied\r\n",
	"items": null,
	"warnings": [{
		"Severity": 10,
		"Code": 420,
		"Description": "Access denied"