From this view, you can manage all your Sitecore endpoints. You can e.g. create a new endpoint, delete existing endpoints, and view failed messages.
When you click the "3 dots button" beneath Actions, a menu shows up with the following options:
- Delete: Deletes the endpoint.
- Start/Stop endpoint: Enables or disables the endpoint respectively.
- View failed messages: Shows you the list of failed messages for the endpoint. From this view, you can either retry or purge all failed messages.
- View queued messages: Shows you the list of queued messages for the endpoint. From this view, you can purge all queued messages.
Create a new endpoint
Creating a new endpoint will enable your Sitecore instance to automatically keep itself up to date regarding assets, metadata fields, security, and more.
Under "Endpoint name" you must choose a unique name for your new endpoint. This will be used to distinguish it from other endpoints.
It's imperative that SitecoreApiUrl is correctly configured. Input the URL of your Sitecore instance (without "/sitecore").
This URL must be accessible from the server which Digizuite is hosted on - in order for it to push messages.
- Once a new endpoint has been created, it will by default be "stopped". Click the "3 dots" button and select "Start endpoint". This will start the endpoint, which enables the Digzuite to start sending notifications to the endpoint.
- To verify that the endpoint works, go to Digizuite and change e.g. the title on an asset that is already synchronized to DFS. Now go to the DAM Explorer and verify that the title has been updated.