Digizuite™ DAM For Sitecore 9.2.0
© 2006-2017 Digizuite A/S
Version : 9.2.0
Date : 2019-05-15
[DFS-1301] - Administration Dashboard - tool for helping administrators and developers debugging.
[DFS-1402] - Language selector in DAM Explorer.
[DFS-1416] - If the system automatically delete an asset that is in use, a log is printed in a separate log file.
[DFS-1421] - Configure the filename syntax when downloading an asset.
[DFS-1422] - Optimize resizing quality.
[DFS-1424] - Fixed SQL script, updated video player quality id's.
[DFS-1425] - Fixed issue with an exception when trying to display images on CD which is not cached and there is no connection to DC.
[DFS-1427] - Fixed issue with synchronizing multi languages.
[DFS-1431] - Fixed missing file "Sitecore xhtml.xsd"
[DFS-1432] - Fixed issue with the example page throws.net error if there where broken links.