Custom attributes are attributes, which have nothing to do with the actual filtering of the values, which are outputted.
Custom attributes can be applied to both filters and value fields.
Every custom attribute is a key-value pair.
Prime examples of custom attributes, which the DigiZuite™ products Media Manager and Video Portal use, are Input Type and Visible filter. Both of these have no impact on the search itself, but the products use these attributes to decide which filters to use and how to collect the input from the user.
Please note, that because DigiZuite™'s own products use the custom attributes "inputType" and "visible", a user cannot add a custom attribute, which has the keys "inputType" or "visible". These two are are a subset of the keys, which have been blacklisted. The list of blacklisted keys are
'aggregate', 'bindid', 'DefaultToDisabled', 'Distinct', 'editable', 'edlField', 'exifField', 'field', 'fieldName', 'fieldStructure' ,'GroupBy', 'id', 'iptcField', 'isArray', 'itemGuid', 'metaFieldId', 'metaFieldLabelId', 'metaFieldName', 'ObjectReferenceType', 'operator', 'renderType', 'returnType', 'securityType', 'sortDirection', 'standardGuid', 'tooltip', 'type', 'UseAsBigFreetextField', 'valueHandler', 'valueType', and 'visible'.
This list is subject to change in the future.
All of these custom attribute keys are used by the search itself, and therefore, users cannot use these keys themselves.
Furthermore, a key MUST be unique and MUST start with a letter or underscore. After the first letter a key may have any number of letters, underscores, or numbers.
A value may be any combination of letters , underscores, or numbers.
Allowed letters
The allowed letters are english letters, ie. A-Z and a-z, and the danish letters Æ, Ø, Å and æ, ø, å.
A custom attribute can be defined during creation of a filter or value field:
Creation of a filter.
and edited/deleted in the The Details panel.