DC 6.1 Cognitive Services

DC 6.1 Cognitive Services

All cognitive services are automatic configured, but has some options that must be set.

This page will describe how to configure Cognitive Services together with Digizuite.
The following subjects are covered:

Pricing Details

Face Detection

Pricing can be viewed here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/cognitive-services/face-api/


Translation pricing is based on number of characters translated, and is on a pure pay-as-you-go basis.
Pricing can be viewed here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/cognitive-services/translator/

Video Analysis

Pricing can be viewed here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/video-indexer/

Image Analysis

Please note the following, as stated on the Cognitive Services pricing page

For Recognize Text each POST call counts as a transaction. All GET calls to see the results of the async service are counted as transactions but are free of charge.
For all other operations, each feature call counts as a transaction, whether called independently or grouped through the Analyze call. Analyze calls are used to make calling the API easier, but each feature used counts as a transaction.
For instance, an Analyze call containing Tag, Face, and Adult would count as three transactions.

The features that are supported are shown below here. The number of transactions is dependent on the number of the desired visual features.
This means that if the system is configured with N features, then it will be N transactions per asset. 
For example, if both Tags, Description and Objects are configured, it will be 3 transactions per asset.

Further pricing information can be viewed here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/cognitive-services/computer-vision/


The following settings are supported


Default value



Default value


Ocr Extract From Pdf


Should it be allowed to perform OCR from PDF files?

Ocr Extract From Image


Should it be allowed to perform OCR from images?

Ocr Metafield Guid


Once a OCR task is completed, in which metafield should the text be saved?
This will overwrite any exiting data in this metafield.

Vision Analysis Format Id


Which format should be used for image analysis?
The format must adhere to Azure requirements

Language Support

Both translation and image analysis has language support.

Not all languages are supported by Azure, and therefore cannot be used.
In order to see which languages that are supported, we refer to the Azure documentation


Azure supports categorizing an image. The supported categories can be found here: https://learn.microsoft.com/da-dk/azure/ai-services/computer-vision/concept-categorizing-images.

Note that the main categories end with an underscore.

OCR text extraction from PDF and image files

The details of this service (including setup and use) are described here: DC 6.1 Search in asset content (OCR)

Automatically translate a metafield

Automatic translation of metafields is available if Translation Services have been configured as mentioned above and if your field is either a "string" or "note" field. To make the field be translated automatically, you need to change the "Autotranslate_GOOGLE" column for the metafield to true in the database. There is currently no UI available to do this. 

After the field has been changed, recycle at least the LegacyService and main DAM app pools.

The cognitive auto translate respects the normal AutoTranslate/AutoTranslateOverwriteExisting flags. This means that the following matrix explains when a translation will be done.

This is what happens when you are editing a field in your language, and what will happen for other languages for the same field. This field is always the first field in the metadata editor in Media Manager.


Field has value

Field is empty


Field has value

Field is empty

No autotranslate





Main value is translated and copied


Main value is translated and copied

Main value is translated and copied

If you are editing a value that is not your logged in language, the value will never be translated through Cognitive Services, though normal AutoTranslate behavior still applies.


Validate using this guide:

MM5.6 AI Tagging Configuration - Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)