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  • A workflow with the minimum of three stages: a pending stage, an approved stage and a rejected stage

  • An automation based on the “Business Workflow Stage Entered” trigger

  • Enabling the self-sign-up in the DAM Center and Media Manager.

  • The guest user has the role: Business_Workflow_View or Business_Workflow_Instance_View (or Business_Workflow_CRUD, but this is not recommended)

Part 1 Workflow

The core part of the flow is setting up the workflow. It is in here that a system administrator can add new fields to the custom sign-up form and decide who should be responsible for approving new accounts.


The next part is about setting up an automation for manifesting the approval workflow, converting the approved sign-ups into actual user systems in the DAM Center.





Business Workflow Stage Entered


Workflow: select Select the correct user workflow from the dropdown list

Stage Name: select Select the approved stage from that workflow from the dropdown list

Here, the administrator should indicate the preciously configured user approval workflow and then select at which stage the new user are approved, and therefore this automation should be triggered.

Convert Member Item Id To Member Item Id


Member Item Id: @sourceItemIds Outputs:


Member Id: @memberid @memberId

Convert Member Item Ids are converted IDs into Member Ids, necessary for the approval processIDs.

A requirement for the next step as it only accepts Member IDs.

Approve Member


Member Id: @memberid @memberId

Approved: checkedChecked

The newly created user is approved in the DAM Center and therefore can log in and start using the system.


In order for the user approval workflow to work, it is necessary to enable self-sign-up must be enabled in the DAM Center. This will enable new users to sign up for the system.


In the The screenshot above there is also has another relevant field called “Template user for self-sign-up users”. The administrator can create a user template and then select it here. All the users approved through the workflow will receive a set of roles that come with that template user by default. It is possible later on to manually add and remove roles from the new user.


If no further action is taken, the sign-up process will be generic and automatic. This is why another step is required: enabling the user approval workflow in the Media Manager. This can be done selecting SettingsGeneral settingsUsers, and then selecting the correct workflow from the dropdown list.
