DC 6.0 Breaking changes


As described in , 6.0 introduces some breaking changes. This is the main reason for the new major version number.

The main breaking changes in 6.0 are:



The breaking changes described above contain the most important information to be aware of. The following breaking changes are minor details to be aware of if you are integrating directly with the API:

  • Config:

    • BaseApiUrl on MediaManagerProductConfiguration is now an empty string. This is the response from <web-url>/api/config. The property referred to the old API, which has been removed.

  • Members and member groups:

    • FolderId on MemberGroupResponse is now nullable.

    • MetaFieldGroupId on MemberActionTO is no longer supported.

    • AdvancedUpload, ConfigLayoutFolderId, GroupId, and ItemMetafieldGroupid on MemberInfo are always 0.

    • DownloadType and RowId are now always null for member groups (Group).

  • Virtual folders:

    • Virtual folders are no longer supported.

    • Folders on MetaFieldStructureResponse is now always an empty list.

  • Automations:

    • The “Search” automation step has been removed.

  • Master item reference and slave item reference metafields:

    • RefType on SlaveItemReferenceMetafield can only be ItemType.Asset. Thus, slave item reference metafields can now only reference assets.

    • RelatedMetaFieldLabelIdon MasterItemReferenceMetaFieldResponseand SlaveItemReferenceMetaFieldResponse is always null. Use the RelatedMetaFieldId property instead.

  • Iterative metadata:

    • Iterative metadata is no longer supported.

    • Iterative on MetaFieldResponse and MetaFieldGroupResponse is now always false.

    • Iterative on MetaFieldGroupRequest is ignored.

  • Combo values and tree values

    • LanguageJoinGuid on ComboValueResponse and TreeValueResponse is marked as obsolete but will still be returned. It will be removed in a future version.

    • ShowCheck is always true on ItemTreeValueResponse.

  • Transcodes and destinations:

    • DestinationId on AssetTranscode is now always -1.

    • DestinationId on AssetLocationTO is now always null.

    • DestinationId and MediaTranscodeId on QualityTranscodeTo om the Collaboration Service are now always 0.

  • Metafield groups:

    • Metafield groups can no longer be organized in folders.

    • FolderId on MetaFieldGroupResponse is now always 0.

    • ParentId on MetaGroupDetailsResponse is now always 0.

    • ParentGroupId is now considered obsolete and should no longer be used. It is still available for now and does still behave as before, however if you depend on it you should start moving away from it.

  • ConfigVersionId for login

    • The ConfigVersionId is no longer supported.

    • ConfigId on VerifyTokenRequest is ignored.

    • VersionId on SsoLoginOptions is ignored

    • ConfigId on AccessKeyOptions is ignored.

    • ConfigVersionId on IConfiguration is ignored.

    • ConfigVersionId on AccessKey is always an empty string.

    • FirstVersion on AccessKey is always false and not read.

  • Publish and re-publish:

    • Publishing an re-publishing an asset was primarily related to profiles in the old transcode system. Consequently, these two actions no longer have any meaning and are, therefore, no longer supported.

  • YouTube Service

    • Search2 is no longer used to fetch the “Title”, “Description” and “Privacy Status” of a video. Thus, the SearchName property on YouTube clients has been removed. Instead, these fields can be specified directly on the YouTube client. Please refer to the documentation for more information.

  • DSL Service

    • Folders on MetaFieldGroupsFoldersAndFieldsResponseTO is now always an empty list.