Step 1: Database Backup
During the installation process there are changes applied to the DAM database. For this reason it is strongly recommended to back up the database for the DAM Center before proceding with running the instalaltion scripts in Step 3.
In order to back up the database you need to perform the following steps:
- Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
- Expand "Databases" menu.
- Right-click the name of you the DAM Center that Media Manager 5 will be connected to.
- Click "Tasks".
- In the new menu click "Back Up...".
- In the new window that pops up, choose "Add..."
- Click "..." to access more options
- Type the name of the back up file, adding ".bak" at the end.
- Click "OK".
- Confirm your selections by clicking "OK" in the two remaining windows.
Step 2: Preparation
3. Installation Scripts
3.1 Preparation of the configuration file
In the folder named "MediaManager.DbUpgrade" locate the configuration file named "MediaManager.DbUpgrade".
< configuration > < connectionStrings > < add name = "db" connectionString =
" /> </ connectionStrings > < appSettings > <!-- JobService GenerateSearchForAll --> < add key = "runGenerateSearchForAll" value = "true" /> < add key = "apiUrl" value = "#{APIURL}" /> < add key = "apiUsername" value = "#{dzApiUsername}" /> < add key = "apiPassword" value = "#{dzApiPassword}" /> <!-- Standard/Required --> < add key = "versionGuid" value = "0b59c5cf-e3a9-4043-aedb-fceaa4040d4c" /> < add key = "availability" value = "74A5A102-A310-4BB7-9E84-0B14C36436B2" /> < add key = "usingEmbeddedScripts" value = "true" /> < add key = "timeoutInSeconds" value = "1800" /> </ appSettings > < startup > < supportedRuntime version = "v4.0" sku = ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2" /> </ startup > </ configuration > |