How to install a Digizuite™ Basic Solution
How to install a Digizuite™ Basic Solution
You might want to explore the releas information as a starting point - found here:
Release Info
Step-by-step guide
Server Preparation
- Documentation on server requirements are found here:
- Digizuite™ DAM Center
- Digizuite™ Media Manager
- For batch and SQL you need to consult the Digizuite Solution/Technical Architect
- Verify the compatibillity matrix: /wiki/spaces/DD/pages/119734337
- Ensure all Digizuite installation files have been uploaded to the relevant servers.
- Documentation on server requirements are found here:
Install and configure Digizuite™ DAM Center and Digibatch
Intall the Dam Center to the APP/WEB server
IIS configuration
As the final step verify all the elements in this guide:
Install and configure Digizuite™ Media Manager and Solr
Install and configure Solr
Install and configure MM
(Optional) Styling
Check the statusdetail.aspx to secure everything is as it should be
- go to companydamwebsite/statusdetail.aspx and verify that all is green - if not troubleshoot from the guide below
Secure that the websites are available with both http and https URL
Test the complete setup
, multiple selections available,