Configuration (OOBE 5)
A new version of Digizuite Mobile App needs to be created in the DAM center:
Open the DAM center
Go to ConfigManager
Select Digizuite Mobile and expand the folder
Click on "Default" folder
Create a new version in the upper right corner. Name could e.g. be "Mobile"
Go to ConfigManager → Digizuite Mobile → Default → Current version → Searches
Select the Framework Search, Copy ID and Delete "Mobile/Is Public" in Input
Create "Options/unlocked" in Input
Create "asset.prevref" in Input
This to ensure replaces isn't returned in the search
Create "asset.prevref" in Output
Copy ID and Delete "Mobile/Is Public" in Output
Create "Options/unlocked" in Output
Copy ID and Delete "Mobile/Is Public" in Output and create "Options/unlocked" for
The format "Tablet H264 2048kbit ffmpeg" is used in the mobile video player
Ensure the format is enabled and added to the profile
Once the configuration is done in the DAM center, information about the customer must be sent to LET Software. The information can be found:
iOS: /wiki/spaces/PP/pages/3912074824
Android: /wiki/spaces/PP/pages/850952193
In order to enable the SSO login, please modify the MobileAppConfiguration.json file in the following way:
Navigate to the file and open it.
Make sure that “SSOLoginMode” line in the document is set to true.
Save the changes in the file.
Enabling filters
In order to enable the filters, your need to enable Solr.
In order to enable Solr, please follow these steps:
Open the DAM Center.
Navigate to ConfigManager → Digizuite Mobile → Default → Current version → Searches → DigiZuite_System_Framework_Search.
Tick the box next to Use Solr and select Save.
Go back to the list of searches and click the Gear icon next to the newly modified search. The population of the search data will be initiated.
Please note that if Solr is not enabled, filters will not work.
Adding new filters
New filters can be added to the app in the same way it is done in Media Manager:
Open the DAM Center.
Navigate to ConfigManager → Digizuite Mobile → Default → Current version → Searches → DigiZuite_System_Framework_Search.
Follow the guide under DC 5.5 Change Media Manager's search filters, starting at the third step.
Asset info
New metadata fields can be added to the Asset Info the app in the same way it is done in Media Manager:
Open the DAM Center.
Navigate to ConfigManager → Digizuite Mobile → Default → Current version → Searches → DigiZuite_System_Framework_AssetInfo.
Follow the guide under DC 5.5 Add new metadata field to Media Manager's asset info, starting at the third step.