Fix to make password reset work after updating or web installing


If you don't do this, then password reset doesn't work


DAM-1981 - Getting issue details... STATUS

If you update to, or web install, DC 4.7.0 instead of wix installing, and you need to fix password reset, by doing the following steps :

  • Add the group "everyone" and grant it write access rights to the two folders, usually placed in "C:\Program Files\Digizuite": "UserManagementServices" and "NotificationServices" - to make logging work
  • (This usually isn't necessary) In "NotificationServices" you need to edit the config file named "Digizuite.Notification.MessageHost.exe.config"
<network host="[insert here]" userName="[insert here]" password="[insert here]" port="587" />
  • You need to add the contents of this file: to the "UserManagementServices" folder (You need to put it in the folder named the same thing as the site you're configuring) (It should look like this: C:\Program Files\Digizuite\UserManagementServices\\PasswordReset\Mail)

  • In both folders you now go to both services's CMD files named "install.cmd", edit them with notepad++ where you add a space after each equal sign "= " - else the next step will fail and the services will not be installed ( DAM-2239 - Getting issue details... STATUS )
  • Save the files and run them as administrator.
  • Go to the services program
  • If the services are written like this "\digiadmin" and not ".\digiadmin" - then add that missing "." and type in the password again.
  • Start the new services. They look like this: 
  • You need to secure that on each of the services the logon is correct (user that administers the service)
  • Try resetting your password through MM. If you get an access code, it should be working.


  • The installation fails some how =  DAM-2239 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - look in the guide above and secure that the equal signs in the install.cmd file has a space after them.
  • If no mail comes
    • Make certain that you've 1) unzipped and 2) mved the unzipped folder to the correct folder - that is: "UserManagementServices"
    • (Not certain this is true) there's a possibility that if you request a password reset code too quickly, it'll not send it
  • If the programs says that it cannot send you a mail
    • It's because you've not assigned a mail to the user -  MM-2744 - Getting issue details... STATUS