1 Input - DAM v4.8.0

1 Input - DAM v4.8.0

This page describes the columns in the Input grid.

1.1 Field column

The field column is described in detail here.

1.2 Is a group?

A check box, which is checked if the row represents a Group.

1.3 In output?

A check box, which, if checked, signifies that the data, which the filter(s) work with, is also output by the search.

1.4 Visible filter

A check box, which is checked if the filter can be used as an input option in the Media Manager and Video Portal. 

1.5 Free text

A check box, which is checked if any of the filter(s) represented by the row have a free text Comparison Type.

1.6 Filters

This column shows 1-many lines of text, each describing a filter's Comparison Type, ID, and Input Type.

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